Get the Nerve to Talk to Him (3)

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Hey guys, well i couldnt sleep so i typed this up. Enjoy! :D 

Get the Nerve to Talk to Him

I woke up to the same sound I hear every morning, but I wasn’t dreading today like I usually would. I was actually looking forward to today because I’m finally going to talk to Harry. He has never left my mind since yesterday and once again I had a dream that was all about him. It’s weird, I’ve never felt this way about anyone before, not even a girl. But what’s even weirder is that the more I think about him the more I feel that I’ve known him my whole life, like something inside of me thinks we’ve met before. I don’t know, maybe this crush is getting a little out of control.

I quickly got dressed and ate breakfast, too excited about seeing him today. Once I got in my car, I headed straight to Liam’s house. I parked on the curve by his house and honked to make him know I was here. He wasn’t waiting outside for me today because I was early, I wanted to get to school as quickly as possible. Liam made his way to my car, not looking up from his cell phone. He opened the door, placed his bag on the floor, still texting his life away. Once he finished a message he looked up to face me, “Well, you’re early today. Any reason to get to school so early?” He smiled, waiting for my response. “Uh, no. No reason at all.” I said, turning away from his gaze. “Mhmm.” He wasn’t convinced, I could tell. “Oh, you don’t have to take me home today and I’m not gonna be football practice either.” “Why not?” I asked while driving down the fairly empty street. “Because Andy’s going to take me out on a pre-date during lunch.” “And Andy is your sexting buddy?” He gasped, “No! Even though we just text he really wants to spend time with me. He’s a really a great guy.” I smiled, knowing he really like this Andy and happy that he found someone that can make him happy. “Okay. Well, just don’t do anything inappropriate.” I turned into the parking lot and parked in my usual parking spot. Liam chuckled, “No promises.” We got out of my car and I noticed that we were really early, we even beat Louis and Zayn. But I needed time to plan the conversation I was going to have with Harry, I didn’t want to mess it up.

I made my way to Ms. Smith’s room and there were only a couple of students in the class. I walked to my seat, sat down and started planning out what I was going to say. Should be flirty? Or would that just scare him off? Maybe I should just ask about him that seems easy enough. How should I start though? ‘Hi, I’m Niall Horan!’ Ehh, seems too enthusiastic. ‘Hey, I’m Niall. What’s going on, babe?’ No flirty!  ‘Hi. I must say that you are so beautiful. Your face is an elegance of beauty that is intoxicating and a feast for the eyes.’ WAY too romantic! Before I could think of any more ways the bell rang and the room started to fill with students. I saw Harry walk through the door and my heart suddenly started beating really fast. He was wearing a Romans shirt, skinny blue jeans, and white converses and I couldn’t keep my eyes off of him. He sat down next to me and started writing in his journal. I took a deep breath, getting ready to talk to him. I opened my mouth to start but was interrupted by a man walking into the class, “Good morning class. Ms. Smith couldn’t be here today so I’ll be your sub, my name is Mr. Adams.”

The sub today seemed like he could care less about the class he was supposed to be teaching so he said to talk amongst ourselves while he played on his phone. I didn’t mind, it was the perfect opportunity to talk to Harry. I turned myself so I was once again facing the curly haired boy. He was still writing away in his journal. “Um, hey.” Okay, so good so far. He turned so now I was met with stunning emerald eyes. “Uh, hi.” He’s deep voice caused my stomach to turn and I wanted to hear more. I smiled, making sure I continue our conversation. “So, how do you like the school so far?” “Uhh, well, it’s nice and different. I suppose.” He responded with a smile but I felt that he was holding back. “Where did you move from?” “I came from Holmes Chapel, Cheshire.”I just kept asking questions about him like I planned. I wanted to get to know him. He was breath taking, from his brown curls to his precious dimples. I felt myself falling for him and I barely knew him. “So where do go to lunch? I don’t think I saw you yesterday.” “Oh, because I went to the music room during lunch.” “Well why don’t you come and have lunch with me and my friends?” I asked, hopefully he would say yes. “Sure. Thanks.” He smiled which caused my cheeks to heat up. “No problem.” Smiling back, and with that the bell rang to end first period. “Well, I’ll see you at lunch, Niall.” He said while getting up from his seat. “Yeah. See ya’.” I watched as Harry left the room. There was something about him that made me feel warm and happy, weird that a guy can have this effect on me. Well, I got up and headed to my second period, wanting lunch to hurry and come.


Finally lunch time. Food, thank god. And Harry. I made my way to the usual table that was in the back of the cafeteria and Louis and Zayn were already there. “Hey, Niall.” Louis greeted me while stuffing mash potatoes in his mouth. “Hey.” I said while taking my seat.

“So where’s Liam?” Zayn asked from across from me. “He ditched school to go out on a date with his boyfriend.” Zayn nodded, turning back to his food.

“Harry’s gonna join us for lunch today.” I said through a mouthful of food, not caring for table manners. “Who’s Harry?” Zayn asked with a confused look on his face.

I was about to answer but Louis beat me to it. “Oh, he’s the new kid. We have him for English and today in class Niall couldn’t stop flirting with him.” Louis smirked while I glared at him.

“And speak of the devil.” Louis motioned as Harry came and sat next to me. “Uh, hi.” I smiled at him, he was so adorable when he’s shy.

“Hey, I’m Zayn.” Zayn reached over to shake Harry’s hand. “Hi, I’m Harry.”

Throughout the whole lunch period I would sneak glances at Harry. The way he laughs, his smile, the way he eats. I just wanted him all. A few times our arms would brush against each other and it sent tingles through my whole body and I liked it. For a second our eyes met and my blues met his greens and it was if we were the only two people in the cafeteria. While I looked into his eyes I noticed something, love? Desire? Lust? Was he feeling the same way for me? I blushed, not being able to control my redden cheeks and turned away from his gaze.


Practice was over and I was heading to my car in the deserted parking lot. I guess you can say today was a good. I got the nerve to talk to him and I was pretty pleased with it. Lately it seems like he’s all that I think about, I can never get him out of my head. I finally made it to my car, unlocking it, when I was about to open my door I felt a strong hand on my shoulder and it turned me around. I was about to yell at this guy and ask what his problem was but to my surprise I saw those curls and was frozen. Harry kept his head down, not looking at me. He took a deep breath and looked at me with those green eyes that I can’t get enough of. I saw that were filled to what I believe is passion. He looked into my eyes for a few seconds then started to speak.

“I always try to stay away from you, to keep a distance. But I always to seem to fail. It’s impossible to stay away.” I looked at him with a slightly confused face, I was about to ask what he meant by he always tries to stay away but I couldn’t due to him crashing his lips to mine. I was shocked but I didn’t push him away. My eyes slowly closed, my lips moving with his. It was just like the dream, slow and passionate except this felt more real. He slid his hand down my arm to waist bring his other hand to my waist also, he pulled me closer to his body. I brought my arms up wrapping them around his neck so now there was no space between us. I tilted my head, from this kiss it sent electricity throughout my whole body. From this kiss I felt the love, hunger, passion from Harry. In just two days, he made me fall for him. Is that even possible? Pushing that thought away at the moment I stayed focus on the curly haired boy that was nibbling on my bottom lip, he truly is amazing.


I know its pretty boring but trust me the next few chapters things are going to get really interesting so stick with me. :) And I'm so happy people are reading this, thanks guys love yall!

All My Heart (Narry Fan Fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora