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I stared out of the filthy, clouded window, my reflection gazing back at me as my daydreams took over. I tried to look past my own face and at the sky. It looked as if a child had began to draw on it with a pencil and then erased it in a way that smudged and spread the grey. The rain streaked down in droplets so thin they were invisible until they hit the ground. Only a ripple proved the drops were even there. Branches bare of leaves, stretched up into the ongoing white mist, as if their tips had yet to be painted on the brilliant canvas above.

I looked back down at my blank notebook. Sighing loudly as I glanced at the clock on the opposite side of the dull room. What a way to spend a Wednesday morning. My hands ran through my hair, tugging on it as I closed my eyes and lay my head on the desk.

"Mr McEwen?"

My head shot off the table, although my brain remained asleep.

"Hm?" I tried to act innocent, already knowing my History teacher had caught me sleeping in her class.

She sighed heavily. She looked at me as if I was the one who caused her life to become what it was. As if I were the one responsible for her greying hair or for the fact that her sister had cancer. It was quite a harsh look.

"Detention again, Kai. After school." I frowned.

"Come on, I wasn't doing anyth-"

"I said detention. Would you like me to make it two?" My frown deepened. I don't understand what she had against me. It wasn't as if I ran over her dog. But she still seemed to have a burning hatred for the totally innocent, sleep-deprived student that sat at the back of the class during period one History.

I exhaled heavily and she turned around, stalking back to the front of the room. She looked a bit like a cat walking the length of a fence. With a stick stuck up its ass.

I swivelled back to look out of the fogged-up window and think about what life would be like long after I finally left London.

My fingers were mindlessly twirling my pen, causing little splatters of black ink to find their way onto my paper. I glanced back to look at it and found it looked like a piece of abstract art. I wonder how much I would get if I were to sell this piece of paper.

* * * * *

As the lesson finally ended, the students flooded out of the battered door like an ocean wave. I got up slowly, taking my time as I definitely did not want to go to Drama. I wasn't in the mood.

"Mr McEwen, hurry up or I'll give you a second detention."

Jesus Christ. According to this woman there was absolutely nothing I could do right.

"Yes, Miss."

Her gleaming eyes almost burnt through my jacket as I walked out of the door.

"Finally." A voice spoke loudly from next to me, a hand jolting my shoulder. I turned to see Jase, one of my best friends. I smiled slightly, wandering along next to him as we began the trek to Drama.

"Can't we skip today? I'm really not in the mood. We skipped last week and she didn't notice." I pleaded Jase. He shook his head slowly after thinking it over.

"You know Alyc would kill me if he found out I skipped. Last week he wouldn't talk to me for a solid half hour, which I was surprised he could do at all. We don't all have to be delinquents like you, Kai." He joked. My eyebrows raised slightly but I couldn't help the smile that found a way onto my face. The smile soon dropped off my face as we approached the theatre.

Lights out, Vegas.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن