Twice - Heart Shaker Cover By Janny

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Lyrics from Janny on YouTube.

Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah,

Come on be my love, come on be my love, baby.

Can't control myself, I end up worrying,

Now I'm spacing out, it's overwhelming me,

Yeah yeah yeah yeah, what to say?

No no no no, so crazy.

I'm Janny(Y/N), what's your name?

Should I go on and greet you?

But I'm nervous so I'll just pass a note, hand it to you,

Yeah yeah yeah yeah, what to say? No no no no.

Time is ticking now, girl you can do it,

Your eyes I see them locked to mine, love is timing,

You might regret, end up missing out,

Love is coming coming, just be a little brave,

Don't you hesitate anymore.

It might sound strange if I confess,

But you're the one that I've been falling for,

You're my heart shaker shaker, don't wanna miss out,

You're my heart shaker shaker, I can't wait.

Just like a fool, what should I do?

So loud and clear, I'll say I've fallen for you,

Every day I want you, my baby I need you, don't ever go,

Would you be my love? You got me falling in love.

Hoping it won't be awkward for you and me,

Keeping my cool cool as I walk over to you,

Yeah yeah yeah yeah, just stay focused and keep concentrating,

No no no no, can't even think I can't get ahold.

Your eyes I see them locked to mine, love is timing,

You might regret, end up missing out,

Love is coming coming, just be a little brave,

Don't you hesitate anymore.

It might sound strange if I confess,

But you're the one that I've been falling for,

You're my heart shaker shaker, don't wanna miss out,

You're my heart shaker shaker, I can't wait.

Just like a fool, what should I do?

So loud and clear, I'll say I've fallen for you,

Every day I want you, my baby I need you, don't ever go,

Would you be my love? You got me falling in love.

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