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The ref called for the bell, ending the match and giving me the victory over Luke Gallows. I raised my hand in victory.

But as soon as my hand rose, her music played. She walked out, anger written on her face. She stood at the stage, shaking her head and rolling her eyes. A mic in hand.

I watched, knowing that she was still angry about that whole Sasha thing backstage earlier.. But looking at her now made me think about last week.

She lifted the mic to her lips and chuckled "Congrats Reigns.. This night has been a pretty great night for you.. You sent your little purple-headed troll to scare me, I guess.. And you won your match tonight.. So congratulations. But next week, it'll be a different story."

I looked at her confused but I was knocked to the mat by Luke Gallows. He grabbed me by my vest and threw me into the turnbuckle, making me groan in pain before falling on the mat.

"See you next week, big dog."
Little A/N: Do you guys prefer me to write with spaces? Or the way I did before?

Please let me know guys! I would love nothing more than to write the way you guys will love❤

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