Book Idea 10

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She has AUTHORITY of a President
A HEART OF GOLD like a Princess
And the EYES of a queen.

Serenity Ira Reed is the Students Council President of her school, for her this is nothing new of course she's been students Council President for as long as she can remember.

The reason why she started being Mrs President, well that's another story, but for all of the other students they think she's perfect for the role. Serenity is everyone's role model and wouldn't change it for the world.

She's as LAZY as a Cat
A MIND of a cunning Fox
And a HEART of an iceberg.

Blaire Ann Anderson is the Students School Heartthrob, or Greek Goddess, for her well.... attractiveness, she can get anyone she wants without even trying.

The reason she's this way, well that's for another time, but for all of the other students they think she's the hottest girl and the worst heartbreaker. Blaire is everyone's worst person to date and, but best person to date, confusing I know, they wish they can change her, but they couldn't for the life of them.

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