Chapter 24: Numb

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It had been a week since Tala and Carter had last spoken.

Not that Tala was counting the days, but it was like she was in a state of withdrawal. Like not being friends with Carter was sinking her spirits further every day, making it hard for her to think clearly, or to do much of anything. She knew if she didn't change this new realization about herself soon, she'd be lost forever. A lonely little loser, caring way too much about people.

"So here's what I'm thinking," Seth started. They had been spending every lunch together since she had agreed to go to Homecoming with him. Today they had taken a corner table, and besides some curious glances and a couple of whispers, they were left unbothered. "After Homecoming, we go to the lake, and my dad's old fishing boat is still there. We take it out and see where it takes us."

"What if it rains?"

"We can bring an umbrella. Doesn't that sound super awesome?"

"Getting caught in the rain in the middle of the lake?" Tala arched an eyebrow and half-smiled. "Yeah, it actually does."

"Of course it does. I thought of it."

"Well aren't you cocky," Tala said with a smile. She liked how overly confident he was, and with every arrogant comment he made, she found herself more drawn to him. But when she found herself getting lost in the softness of his eyes, she quickly composed herself, forcing the smile to vanish. "Anyway, don't make too big of a deal of Homecoming. We'll stay for maybe an hour, and that's it. You'll drive me home and we'll call it a night."

"What? You don't even wanna hit up an afterparty?"

"Right, like I'd be into some kid's afterparty. A bunch of thirsty idiots acting like sneaking vodka out of their parents' liquor cabinet is some amazing accomplishment. And then they'd trip over their own vomit, all the way up to some stranger's bedroom, so they can later brag about how they got laid. Because that's something to brag about. Any dumbass can get laid. I'm over these high school scenes, like every single thing is a big fucking deal-"

"Whoa, relax. Breathe a little. We don't even have to go."

"Sorry. I'm just not into any of it. And if I'm being completely honest, the lake situation sounds perfect," she said, allowing herself another smile. She concluded that her sudden mood shift was because of her spat with Carter, and made a promise to not take such things out on Seth again. 

Seth shifted his chair closer to hers, "I get it. You wanna be alone with me."

"Maybe I do."


For Carter Vance, knowing what was right, and actually doing the right thing, were very different concepts, neither of which she had fully mastered. There were always two halves fighting each other - one forcing her to face her problems, her fears and her mistakes, the other pulling her back into a sinking, nerveless void. She had been attempting to make these two halves call for peace over the last week, enough to appoarch Tala, but whenever Carter actually saw her, she'd grudgingly walk the other way.

On one particular Wednesday, Carter had expertly dodged Tala's path and darted into the girl's washroom. For a moment she felt relieved to find the place empty, but the moment was interrupted but the sound of someone crying.

"Hey, are you okay in there?" she asked cautiously as she stood in front of the closed stall the sobbing sound was from coming from.

"I'm fine," a familiar voice said.

"Melody?" Carter pulled at the door and found that it wasn't locked. There sat Melody, in complete tears, her head bowed down and tissues in her hands. She didn't look up as Carter stepped closer. "What happened? What's wrong?"

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