Broken Light

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Maria sighed and she called her father as she walked down Times Square, New York. She had people push her, but she ignored it and she walked across the sidewalk and went down to the Broadway shows that she was going to attend tonight.

“Hey, sweetheart. How are you?” her father asked her over her cell-phone.

“I don’t know.” Maria admitted, “I think that someone is following me.”

“What do you mean?” he asked me.

“I don’t know, but for the past month or two I have been feeling eyes on me. Like someone is following me. I just have the feeling and I keep looking over my back. I also could’ve sworn that I smelled people, someone like me in places that I haven’t been to for almost a year. I don’t know. I could’ve sworn that I smelled a vampire too, but it was a faint smell in the subway so I couldn’t be sure.” Maria confessed over the phone as she went down the sidewalk.

“Really? Honey, why didn’t you tell me this before?” her father asked her.

“I just…I just thought that I was paranoid, but now I am worried. I smelled vampire yesterday. It wouldn’t be the Volturi would it?” Maria asked worriedly.

“No. No of course not. Besides, they would’ve contacted me as well because they would be angry. It wouldn’t be the Volturi,” her father said.

“Well…then what do you think that it could be?” Maria asked as she turned a corner and quickly crossed the street.

“It’s New York City, honey. There might be vampires and people like you there and you just haven’t found out yet because of all of the smells mixed in together.”

“I guess.” Maria said as she then stopped at the corner of the theatre because she wanted to keep talking to her father, “I just hate this feeling.”

“Have you been getting a lot of sleep lately? Have you made anyone angry lately or in the past?” her father asked her.

“Yes I have been getting sleep and no I don’t think that I have hurt anyone. Maybe I am just paranoid.” Maria said, “and I have been missing you lately.”

“It has been a long time since we have seen each other.”

“Yeah. It has. Maybe I’ll come up there this weekend and visit you. And if you really do want to have a second opinion on what you are thinking,” Maria’s father asked her.

“I am working for a couple of hours this weekend, but that is okay. It’s only on Friday, but that would be great dad. And, you know that I like Alice, but do you think that it could just be you and I this weekend? Father, daughter thing?”

“Of course. I’m sure that Alice will understand. Maybe another time both of us can go up and visit you.”

“Okay. So, it’s Sunday, so I’ll see you when on Friday?”

“Mid, afternoon. That way we can see each other before you go to work and I can stay around the store and go shopping for you.”

“Thanks dad. I have to go. The broadway show is about to start. I’ll see you on Friday then.”

“Mamma Mia?”

Maria giggled.

“Yes. You know how much that I love that show.” Maria said.

Her father laughed as well.

“I’ll see you this weekend, sweetheart. I love you,” her father said.

“I love you too, daddy.” Maria said.

Maria hung up her phone and she put it in her purse. After that, she took out her ticket and she walked to the opening. The ticket man smiled at her and she smiled back. She entered the room and she then went to the staircase to find her seat. She only had to go up a little. She was in the middle floor at the front, the best seat that she thought that there was. She smiled as she heard the familiar music that told her that the show was going to start.


Maria left the theatre and she then walked down the street. She looked around and she went to call on a taxi, but after fifteen minutes and none of them stopping for her, Maria sighed and she then started to walk home. Though Maria knew that she could protect herself and that she was stronger than any human, the feelings she got from people and the words that they said when she went around them still sent shivers up her spine.

Maria walked down the street and when she heard a couple of men following her. She gulped and tried to push away them from her mind and when she turned the next corner, she then ran down the street and turned into a small alleyway and she then turned back to see them looking around for her. There must’ve been six of them. After a couple of minutes of grumbling, the men then left. Maria sighed with relief and she then went out to the seat. She called for a taxi again and after around ten minutes, one finally stopped her. The overweight man in the front asked her where she wanted to go and Maria told him the address.

After about forty minutes, Maria finally got back to her apartment. She was surprised about all of the traffic. There was just a little bit more than normal. Since Maria was close to falling asleep in the taxi, she tiredly gave the money that she owes to the taxi driver and after she thanked him, Maria walked out of the taxi and it drove away as she entered her hotel.

The main floor was quiet. No one was around. Maria checked her watch. It was a little after midnight. Of course no one was around. Maria took the elevator up to the top floor of the thirty-five story apartment. When she got out, she then walked down the narrow and gloomy hallway. When she went past a couple of doors, she heard sounds from her neighbours, but she kept walking until the end of the hallway where her room was.

Maria was the closest person to the fire escape. She found it a blessing.

The hallway was nothing like her room. The hallway had chocolate brown, wooden flooring with honey coloured wallpaper with lights in between doors.

Maria’s room was white tiled with purple wallpaper. She had a kitchen, living room, a medium sized bathroom, and a large bedroom. Her furniture matched the walls, mostly white and purple, but there was a couple of other colours around.

Maria sighed and she flipped her blonde hair over her shoulder. She took out her key and opened the door. She stepped inside and shut the door behind her. Before she could turn on the lights, Maria then felt someone grab her.

Before she could scream, a piece of cloth was rammed between her lips and tied behind her head. Maria then felt more hands grab her and she fell to the floor. Maria fought, but she realized that these people weren’t humans. They were like her. They were half-breeds and vampires. Maria tried screaming, but the gag kept her neighbours from hearing.

She felt chains tie her hands behind her back and another chain was bound around her ankles. Maria was now looking around. She was bound, gagged, and crying as she was sitting on the floor, leaning up against the wall. She tried breaking and getting out of the chains that bound her hands, but knew that there wasn’t any use. She heard chuckling and she whimpered when a rough, cold hand of a vampire grabbed her chin and she was forced to look infront of her. She saw a pair of red eyes and a male voice said, “hurry. We need to go. Come now, Maria. You’re coming with us.”

Maria screamed as she felt hands lift her over a person’s shoulder. She was taken across her living room and she heard them open her window. Maria kept screaming, but she knew that it was only making the situation worst. She was giving in to what her kidnappers wanted. Soon, Maria felt them jump through the window and she wondered if she would ever see her father again.

hey readers! this is the first chapter of my first twilight fan-fiction on here. It would be great if you guys could read it and tell me what you think and if I should go with it!

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