Chapter 10 - Searching

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Hey! I know you might've been waiting a really long time for me to update and so here it is. I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in a while, it's just that I've been really busy with homework (mostly English hw) and other stuff. Anyways whats important is that I've finally updated so here it is........

Love BigCatsRule




I've been searching for hours now and if feels like days. I can't live without Renesmee, thinking all the horrible things that could happen or could've happened to her! I have to find her, I need to find her asap. Suddenly I smelt something familiar......then I realised it belonged to Renesmee! I could recognise her scent anywhere. I quickly ran towards that direction. I saw an abandoned house that was old and looked like a small breeze could just knock it down. I knew I had to call the others before I go any further, but one side of me was telling me to go get Renesmee while the other side was telling me to call the others then come back with them. Then I felt myself heading to the abandoned house.

'Well, I can't go back now' I thought to myself. I was just about to open the door when a familiar looking guy, or should I say vampire came out.

"What are you doing here?", he asked, then I remembered where I've seen him before, he was the guy Alex, that Nessie was about to go out with!

"To find my girlfriend", I said, with a clenched jaw, trying to fight the urge to kill him on the spot.

He quickly took out his gun, and shot me twice in my heart, or at least that's where I think it went. I then blacked out and the last thing I heard was someone screaming my name.



I was still trapped in the room, when my vampire hearing heard someone talking to Alex. It was.....JACOB! I quickly ran to the door of the room, and knocked it down with all my strength. I ran around the house when I heard a big *bang* and a *thud*, when I got to Jake, he was lying on the ground with blood flowing from his chest. Then I looked up and saw Alex with a gun, I ran to him and it caught him off guard and I took his gun, threw it and snapped his head off, until he turned grey and died. I dragged Jake outside into the woods and lit the house on fire with Alex in it, turning to ashes.

I took out Jake's phone from his pocket, and scrolled through his contacts until I found my dad's no. I called him, and he picked up straight away.


"No dad, it's me Renesmee"

"Renesmee? We've been so worried about you! Where's Jacob?"

"Umm....long story short, he got shot twice and is unconscious. So can you please come and help him get to grandpa Carlisle?"

"Ok, we'll be there in a second, don't go anywhere till we get there"

"Ok, thanks dad, see ya"

"Bye, love you"

And I hung up. I quickly looked around, hoping there would be something to help Jake but all I could see was the forest surrounding us and the sun up in the sky.

----------------15mins later----------------

"Renesmee!", I heard someone yell and I called back:

"Over here dad!"

Then I saw them run vampire speed towards me. My mother embraced me into a hug straight away, while my grandpa and dad took Jacob and laid him down in the car. My mum and I went in after them as well, then we drove off.

'I really hope Jake will be okay, and wake up soon. I wish it was a terrible nightmare that I can just wake up from and everything would be okay', I thought as I pinched myself in hope that I would wake up in my bed, but it was all real and it wasn't a dream.

Before I knew it, we arrived back at my grandparents house. We all used our vampire speed to get inside and to bring Jake into Carlisle's office.

"Reneesme I think u should wait downstairs or in your room, I'm gonna have to 'investigate' Jacob so I'll be able to very carefully take the bullets out so he can heal", Carlisle said.

"Ok, fine but promise me he'll be fine?"


And with that I walked out, went into my room and let my tears fall down.

Then I heard muffled noises outside my room, so I used my vampire hearing to hear them properly.

"Bella, she needs to be alone right now, I don't think she wants company", I heard my aunt Alice say.

"But I need to be there for her"

"Ok fine, talk to her"

After that, I heard my aunt walk downstairs, as my door unlocked to reveal my mother.

"Hey Renesmee"


"Don't worry, Jacob will be fine. Carlisle will take those bullets out, he'll heal and everything will be normal", she said as she hugged me.

"B-but what if Jake doesn't wake up after that?"

"That won't happen, ok? Everything will be fine. Now, it's been a long day so why don't you go to sleep and we'll see what happens in the morning"

"No, I don't want to sleep. What if Jacob wakes up? I want to be there when he does", I said.

"We'll wake you up if he does, but now get some rest", my mum said as she stood up, and left the room, while closing the door behind her.

-----------------3hrs later------------------

I was still awake, waiting for Jacob to wake up. I still couldn't go into Carlisle's office since everyone thought I was asleep. Except my dad, since he can read my mind. I think he hasn't told anyone that I was still awake, probably not to worry them, even though we were still worrying about Jake.

I suddenly felt my eyes become heavy, then i fell into a deep sleep.

'I was walking around mine and Jake's place. Then I heard someone walk behind me. I turned around and saw Jake! He was all better now!

"Jake! You're all better", I said as I hugged him.

"Nessie this is a dream, I think it's because of the imprinting . But anyways, I'm still not better yet, but I'm healing. Right now we're asleep and we've somehow connected through a dream. I think I'll wake up tomorrow morning, but I promise you everything will be fine"

"I'm just glad that you're okay", I said then I kissed him. He was kind of caught off guard but then started kissing me back.

We talked and talked until I woke up.'


Ok, so I know that might've been a really crappy and short chapter, but I just haven't been focusing on twilight anymore. But I hope u at least liked it about 5%. Anyways, I'm not bothered doing the math, so I'll try to keep going with this story and finish it. I think I might end it in after few more chapters, but I don't think I'll write a sequel or anything.

Btw I wonder what happens when Jacob wakes up? Or should the question be: will he wake up?

Hopefully, you'll find out soon!

Love BigCatsRule


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