3:Reflexes and Rocks

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The cool night breeze was of great assistance to Aria. It was relaxing. The others were asleep and even though they had gone through the difficulty of setting up a makeshift bed for her, Aria was unable to sleep. Assuming she was alone, the young women began to hum a slow tune. Eventually, she began to sing a soft melody, gazing at the moon overhead. Unknown to her, a pair of amber eyes were looking at her through a couple of bushes.

Suddenly, a dagger was thrown at the hidden purple-haired stalkers head , who yelped but caught it.

"You have good reflexes."

"Um, thanks?" Sinbad sweat dropped.

He walked over to where Aria was, leaning against a rocky wall. She carefully pulled out a gem from its surface and observed it.

"These are really pretty."she said.

"Here." Sinbad replies, offering back the blade she had tried to kill him with.

"Your aim was awesome."

"Thanks but I'm quite disappointed in it."

"Why is that?"

"I missed, didn't I?"

Not knowing how to respond, Sinbad pulled out a precious stone as well and started toying with it. After a while he started tossing it higher snd higher until it was about to hit the female on the head. He manged to grasp it before that happened though.

Having a 'naked' Sinbad so close to her made Aria move away from him, clearly uncomfortable. A devious smirk appeared on his lips as he started inching towards her slowly.

"S-stay back." She stuttered.

"Why? Are you flustered around me?"

Aria sighed at his idiocy. Needless to say, he didn't smell at all pleasant.

"No you lecher. You smell." She dead panned.

Sin suddenly shrank and sat in a corner with a dark cloud over his head.

Aria giggled.

His head perked up at the sound and he gazed up at her in confusion. Aria blushed and looked up at the stars again.
Wanting to annoy her a bit more, Sinbad stretched out his fingers until they wrapped around hers softly. Flinching slightly at the contact, Aria hit the male over his head and took off running. Sinbad rubbed the minor injury with his hand before grinning and dashing after her.


Aria slumped against the rough wall. She had found shelter in a small secluded cave. It was hidden by the wines that fell over the entrance.

'I finally lost him....Why did I run away like that though?' She thought, her mind hazy. Her eyes drooped and she smiled, remembering the moment when his fingers spread warmth through her body.

His face was the last thing that flashed through her mind as she fell into a deep slumber.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2018 ⏰

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