confused her.

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"Let's go home!" Hirai raised her voice, glaring the younger one with her puffy red eyes. She tugged her arm, dragging her away from him. Still shocked, the younger one pleaded with her monolid eyes, to give her more time. But Hirai was not that easy to beat. "I said now, now!" She was startled, jumping a bit by hearing Hirai's voice.

Kim, now with a heavy heart, locked her gaze with his. While slowly being dragged away from the fair. A pout curved on her lips, signaling him to do something. She doesn't want to leave yet! No, not now!

Seeing her like that made him chuckled. Park thought she pretty much looks like a puppy being dragged away by its owner now. Specifically, the puppy that'll steal your heart in one glance. 

"I'll call you soon, alright?" He mouthed, clear enough for her to read it. She nodded, now being dragged in a even more harsher way. She turned to her back, seeing herself was already quite far from the fair. She was surprised seeing Hirai being this strong.

She saw Hirai's puffy red eyes. How red her nose is. How sad she looks like. And she can't stand it when her friends looking like this. Kim now stood up properly and let herself free from Hirai's grip. The elder one startled, but kept the same cold expression.

Her mind went blank as soon as they stopped in front of the zebra crossed, waiting for the traffic light to turn red so that they can cross the busy road of Seoul. She took the chance give to eyed Kim. Jealousy, it was obvious in her eyes. She knew the reason why he rejected her.

Kim Dahyun. And she can't help, but to cry again. She likes Jimin so much since the first day they met. She remembered how pure his heart his, how chubby and adorable he is back then. And he's still the adorable Jimin now, just much more mature. Hirai broke into tears. Her feet felt wobbly, and bam. She fell down on the ground, sobbing. Pathetic, she knew that.

She hates herself for being furious towards Hyun nowadays just because of a guy. Well, not an ordinary guy, but you got the point. Slowly, her eyes felt heavier and heavier. Hirai Momo blacked out right on the spot, lost in her trainee days memories. The first time they met. 
✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧

there hirai was. again in her own world. minatozaki wasn't here with her in the cafeteria today because she has vocal class. and so, she was alone. being a foreigner made everything much harder to survive in korea. especially when you're still in high school. because of her poor skills in korean and a bitchy resting look, she's always alone.

oh well, not until she met minatozaki obviously. she thanked the god for meeting her with such a cheerful and bubbly kid named minatozaki sana. hirai admired her at first for speaking korean in such a fluent and correct pronunciation. students called her 'kim sajang' more instead of minatozaki sana because of her fluent korean.

"can i sit here?" her thoughts popped, as she looks up to the manly voice. a guy. a handsome guy, to be specific. because hirai still has low confident at this moment, she couldn't help but to stutter instead. "s-sure." she answered, brief and short.

"you're that japanese girl, right? momo-chan, right?" her eyes sparkled. she never knew someone would recognize her, as she's such a shy and introvert girl. she nodded, excited. "you.. know my name?" she tilted her head as she questions him, curious. 

"of course! you're so popular in the dance club! they say you're one of the best dancer in the school." he answered, shooting her his charming smile that drove all the girls crazy. instead of blushing and being flustered, she furrowed her brows instead. the japanese girl, doesn't understand what  he was saying before. "i-i don't understand." she heard him chuckling, she now was knitting her brows in anger. she thought he was playing with her, and hirai got really angry. "you, laugh, why?"

"you're so cute, sorry." his laugh faded away slowly. she felt her cheeks burning. what? why would he laugh because of that? is he trying to fool me? she cleared her throat once, putting her chopsticks down. "you crazy guy." she uttered, loud enough for him to heard.

he smiled. "sorry, sorry. let me try this again, okay?" he too, putted his chopsticks down and took a tissue to wipe his mouth. after a while, his gaze locked again with hers. "you, great dancer. popular, dance club. join dance club?"

and that was the first time she met park jimin. lovely park jimin.
✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧

Kim looked up at the starry sky above her, sighing as she leans to towards the chair backs. So calming, so alluring. Yet her mind couldn't brushed the thoughts on why Hirai acted like that before. Like crazy. Kim never saw her in that kind of state.

She sighed, again. Her mind went back to her conversation with Wang a few hours ago. She felt awful, horrible. She felt like a huge jerk right now. Liking her bestfriend's crush. She bit her lower lip, now shutting her eyes tight. Kim turned the volume of her phone louder, trying to get away of her problems on that calming night.
✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧

"you see, she really likes him. so much i thought it was obsession rather than love. but she stated that it's love, not obsession. so i just brushed the thoughts off."

she heard him chuckling over the line. but kim doesn't think it's funny at all. she knew how precious hirai was in his mind. she was more than just a friend. so kim couldn't help, but to be sorry for him instead.

"you're pathetic, bro." his chuckles stopped, startled with the sudden statement. there was an awkward silence between them for a moment. wang cleared his throat once before continueing, "thanks, sis."

a bitter smile curved on her lips as she threw the can of soda into the bin. wiping her mouth, she took off her shoes and entered her dorm. weird, they girls were really quiet. maybe they were already sleeping, she shrugged. then she saw her. hirai. laying down on the floor, sobbing.

she exhaled at the sight. her heart aches so much just by looking at her. "hey jackson? i'll talk to you later, kay?" kim ended the call, now looking down at hirai. the corners of her lips curved upwards as she sat down besides the japanese girl.

"i'm here, what's wrong momo-chan?"
✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧

sorry for the late + trashy update!  (╥_╥) the story is coming to its end, stay tune. have a nice day! (。・ω・。)

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