let's just try.

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"It's okay, I'm fine now. Thanks for asking, my cutie Dahyun." The younger one nodded, letting Hirai pinched both her milky cheeks that morning. Usually, she'll scold her for abusing her with those painful pinches. But yeah, not wanting to add more fuel to the fire, she made up her mind not to say a single thing to the Japanese girl. Letting her to rant anything she wants to her.

"Dahyun-ahh." Her thoughts were cut off when the elder one called her name. She looked up at her, raising a brow as a sincere smile plastered on her face. "Thanks for everything you've done to me. Go get him, alright?"

Kim's face reddened.
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Surprisingly enough, Hirai seems to already forgot about what happened last night. She was extremely happy and all giddy today, which was weird for someone who had just been rejected yesterday. She's now currently chasing Wang all over the room, not caring about others' opinions. They were really loud, yet no one seems to give attention to them. Again, weird.

While for Park, it seems that a wild cat already caught his tongue. You see, he was playing with his phone just a few minutes ago, when suddenly she came. Yeah, that adorable ginger head. And being Park Jimin, he knew he couldn't resist her charms. So here he was, staring straight at her with sparkling eyes. Thank god that she was too busy looking at her phone at the moment.

Kim then lifted her head, now watching the two doofus playing together. "Look at them. I mean, aren't they look cute together?" His gaze met the two figures who were chasing each other, causing destruction everywhere they go. Soft chuckles escaped from his mouth as he nods in agreement. They stared at the figures long enough that they didn't realized it has been 10 minutes since they sat there, besides each other. Ignoring everyone who were giving them nasty, filthy looks.

Hirai and Wang were finally gone after making such a scene behind the stage. Their chuckles were now over, and soon, the awkward silence came.
Slowly, Kim's lifted her gaze to take a glance at the elder guy besides her. She swallowed thick. Park was already tilting his head, staring right into her eyes. "I-I better go now, good--" She felt a strong grip on her hand that stopped her from leaving, she gulped again. "S-Sunbaenim?"

He forced him to sit again, so she did. Scared, terrified. There was another long silence between them. She glanced at him again. This time, she felt a warm hand holding hers, guiding it into his pocket on his jacket. She felt her cheeks burning. "Tell me the truth, are you comfortable with me?" She saw his brow was raised, as he turns her head towards her. "Answer me."

"O-Of course, I do!" Kim nodded enthuasticly. The elder gave her a questioning look, suspicious with her action. "Really?" Asking for one more time, he leaned closer towards her face. Her pinkish red face. Her smile now turned into an awkward grin as she nods again. Park leaned closer to her. Closer. And closer, until their noses met.

Kim felt like she could squeal in any moment. She tried to calm herself down, but oh well, it failed. Miserably. The younger now was already shutting her eyes tight, biting her lower lip. Anxious. They stayed in that position for awhile. And the only thing they heard was their own heartbeats. Again, ignoring those stares from other staffs there.

"Hey." Hearing that voice made her eyes opened again. That melodic voice that she was sure she has fallen deeply into him. Seeing a smiling Jimin made her heart fluttered again for the hundredth times. He tilted his head, giving her that charming eye smile of his. "I like you, so don't be awkward with me, alright?"

Her eyes widened. Nonsense!
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There was an obvious smug look on her face as she turned her body towards him. She crossed her arms together, looking up at him as she utters, "Your kid sure knows how to steal a girl's heart, Joon." He nodded nonchalantly, eyes still glued on his phone. Hyo was annoyed now. She elbowed him, this time, pouting. Knowing his girlfriend's habit, he doesn't really care about her acting like that. "How dare you ignore me, you little brat!" The younger one glared at him, puffing both her cheeks in anger.

Soft chuckles escaped from his mouth as he turns off his phone and inserts it into his pocket. Looking down at him, he ruffled her hair, she was definitely looking like a small puppy just now. Her eyes widened at his action, slightly slapping him on the shoulder. "I just got my hair done, you know? Aish!" Hyo grumbled, once again slapping him. She heard him chuckling again. Joon, still laughing, lifted his hands in the air. Trying to prove his innocence. "Sorry, sorry. You were just so cute earlier." His warm hands were now pinching her reddening cheeks, as Hyo looks down at her feet in embarrassment.

"B-Baka." Her hair once again being ruffled by Joon, and this time, she's not complaining at all. "Hey, meet me at the convenience store tonight, alright?" Biting her lower lip, she nodded shyly. Hyo felt something in her stomach for the hundredth time. Butterflies, beautiful butterflies were definitely chomping out her stomach now.

Staring at both of the leaders, she giggled. They were so adorable, she thought she could get diabetes in any moment. She giggled, taking out her phone from the pocket on her jacket. Click! Goes the sound of her taking picture of Hyo and Joon. Maybe for blackmail purpose, who knows?

Sighing, she mumbles to herself, "Love is in the air again." She then furrowed her brows together. That manly voice was definitely not hers, so who is it? Im turned to her right, seeing such a lovely guy was staring at the couple too. Tilting her head a bit, a soft smile crept on her lips. She remembered that time when Hyo praised him for being such a great hyung for Bangtan. Even for her, she thought he's one of the prettiest man in the K-Pop industry.

"Hey, you're Nayeon, right?" She nodded, the smile on her lips getting bigger. "I'm Seokjin. Nice to meet you!" He stuck out his hand for a handshake. She gladly took his hand and shook it with hers, locking their gazes together. Deep inside, her heart was beating like crazy she thought she could die in this moment. But oh well, if she dies there, it'll be inside Kim Seokjin's arms, right?

"Nice to meet you too."
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