Prowl x Bumblebee

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Transformers Amiated

Bee: Hey Prowl whats up

Prowl: Bumblebee im trying to concentrate on calming myself so plz leave me alone for 2 minutes Okay?

Bee: Okay ill leave you alone...*mumbles rudely*

Snow Leopard Prime: Heya Bee whats wrong?

Bee: Its Prowl hes being mean to me!! *huffs*

Snow Leopard Prime: Bee he's like that all the time so calm down and lets play some video games okay!?!

Bee: I would love to play video games. *huffs* Let's play Snow Leopard!!!

Snow Leopard Prime: Now you talking Bee!!

Bee's Mind: Should I talk to Prowl after he done concentrating maybe I should after to fights on video games

The Game: Winner Snow Leopard!!!

Snow Leopard Prime: Yes!! I won Woah!!!

Bee: Aww Man you win again Snow Leopard but how!!

Snow Leopard Prime: I'm good at video games that's all. Come on Bee let's go talk to Prowl now.

Bee: Okay Snow Leopard let's go!!

Snow Leopard Prime: Heya Prowl Umm me and Bee want to talk to you plz?

Prowl: Sure you can talk to me Bee and Snow Leopard

Bee: I was wondering do you have a Girl........Friend?

Prowl: Ummmmm no,yes,maybe... I dont know!!

Snow Leopard Prime: Calm Down Jeez Prowl!! Who do you like me or Bee you choose okay

Prowl: Okay Ummmm.... Mind: Who should I choose Bee or Snow Leopard umm Bee is really cute but Snow is my I think ill choose Bee.  I'll choose Bee you are really cute bee but Snow your still my friend right?

Snow Leopard Prime: I still am your prowl and your right. Well I got to go to my room to work on prodject for helping rachet so you guys are Alone for tonight okay

Prowl: Okay ill be fine with Bee

Bee: I'm fine with that

Snow Leopard Prime: Bye Now

They two were alone till 10 o' Clock at night.

Bee: Ummmm.... 'Mind: Well this is embarrassing' *Blushes light blue*

Prowl: Are you okay Bee? 'Mind: Why is he blushing?' *grabs Bee's chin to get him to look at me.

Bee: Ummm......P-Prowl what are you doing?

Prowl started to bring bee closer to him and holding waist then Prowl kissed Bee it was Quite for a few minutes then Bee and Prowl separated they were breathing very heavy.

Bee: ...

Prowl: 'Mind: I think I want to marry him. He is cute and generous' Bee I need to ask you something *I bend down on one knee* Will you Marry me Bumblebee?  *as I hold out box with a ring in it*

Bee: Huh!?! Hehe Yes I will marry you Prowl!? *hugs him then kisses him*

Prowl: Let's go tell everyone about this Babe

Bee: Okay

"Prowl and Bumblebee tells the team there getting married"

Jazz: Wow Congratulations you two

Optimus Prime: Im proud Bumblebee and Prowl

Snow Leopard Prime: Epppppppppppppp!!!! ProwlBee is sailing!!!! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

Bee: What's her problem Angelfrost?

Angelfrost (thats me): I dont but shes fangirling over ship name called ProwlBee I dont know what its called so yeah.

Emily: Sari do you hate shipping if you then I will kill you, but Congratulations Prowl and Bumblebee

Sari: Nope I ship people and robots,but Congratulations Bee!!!

Sofie: What the Heck just happen,but congratulations You two lovers.


"After the Marriage of Bumblebee and Prowl"

"They have two Beautiful kids named BumbleProwl and ProwlBee one girl and one boy"

Bee: Honey were is ProwlBee have you seen her anywhere?

Prowl: Ummmmmmmmmmm...Babe shes right here in the living room with BumbleProwl.

Bee: Oh my Primus she's so sneaky everytime right Baby?

Prowl: Yep she is quite sneaky honey.

Bee: Heh she is.

"At Night "

Prowl: Goodnight Babe

Bee: GoodNight Baby see you in the morning

They all fall into a deep recharge

Ill show you some Pictures of kids they have

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2018 ⏰

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