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the signs as questionable quizzes from buzzfeed

aries: are you cute, hot, or ugly-hot?

taurus: answer these seven questions and we'll give you a cat name

gemini: this orb test will reveal whether or not you are immortal

cancer: what kind of romantic parter are you based on your harry potter spell choice

leo: take a stance on these period products and we'll reveal a deep truth about your vagina

virgo: tell us what you were like in high school and we'll tell you which drake you are

libra: judge these biscuits and we'll tell you how flaky of a friend you are

scorpio: should you hook up with a dracula, a frankenstein or a wolfman?

sagittarius: pick some tv shows and we'll tell you how you'll die

capricorn: can you survive getting hit by the bus in mean girls?

aquarius: which movie dog are you most like?

pisces: are you a trashy drinker?


this is why i love buzzfeed
credit: famstrology on instagram

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