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the signs as phobias

aries: asthenophobia (fear of weakness)

taurus: metathesiophobia (fear of change)

gemini: neophobia (fear of boredom)

cancer: athazagoraphobia (fear of being forgotten/ignored)

leo: social phobia (fear of public humiliation)

virgo: autophobia (fear of being alone/undesired)

libra: decidophobia (fear of making decisions)

scorpio: proditiophobia (fear of betrayal)

sagittarius: philophobia (fear of emotional attachment)

capricorn: atchiphobia (fear of failure)

aquarius: claustrophobia (fear of closed spaces)

pisces: dystychiphobia (fear of accidents)


so uh this along with all of my other books have died. that's a sad case

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