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-Cheryl POV-

     When I walked into school, I went to my locker, as usual. I stuffed my backpack in my locker and grabbed a binder and my pencil pouch. Today I had a revised schedule because of an assembly today, so I had study hall for an hour before the assembly. I walked past the front doors as I caught a glimpse of pink hair stroll past me. I stopped walking and ran back to the pink-haired girl.
     "Toni?" I asked, my eyes squinted. The girl turned towards me and smiled. "Hey, princess." She said. I smiled and let out a giggle. "W-what are you doing here?" I asked her. She smirked and slid her hand down my face, landing under my chin. "What are any of us doing here?" She asked as she walked away. I watched her walk away with a sigh.
     I leaned up against the wall and tapped my pen against my binder. Would Toni be here all the time? Did she transfer? Will we have classes together? I lost my thoughts as I heard the warning bell ring from the speakers. I headed to the cafeteria for study hall and sat next to Kevin. I hugged him and sat down as I watched a blonde girl come up behind him.
     "What is hobo's wife doing here?" I questioned with fake smile. Betty ignored me and pulled out a serpent with a hat from behind the wall. "Jughead?" I said in shock. "What the hell are all these serpents doing here?" I groaned. As Betty opened her mouth to answer, the final bell rang and everyone went to their assigned seats and got to work.
      As the teacher took attendance I didn't hear any of the serpents name on the list. I opened my binder and held my phone inside it. I went into my messages and texted Toni, asking her about the situation going on. I started tapping my foot against the floor as I waited. No answer. The next thing I know, I'm plugging earbuds in my phone and I'm drifting off into my own little world.
     After what seems like ten minutes, I hear the speakers ring on and a voice start to talk. "All students report to the gymnasium immediately." I grabbed all my belongings and went to my locker to put them away. Then, I headed to the gym.

-Toni POV-

I stood in front of the bleachers as I waited for the students to arrive. Inside I was terrified, but on the outside I smiled through the thoughts running through my mind. After the students piled in, the principle stood in front of everyone with a microphone and coughed into it to call attention. "As you all may have seen," she started, " some residents of the south side has joined our school, due to their former school closing down. I expect everyone to be nice to our new students and welcome them to Riverdale high."
     The principle made us recite our names and age groups and when we finished announcing that, the students stared at the serpents with wide eyes and no words. I gulped and my throat felt dry as eyes wandered around, glaring at us. Out of no where I heard a voice. "Let's welcome the serpents!" Cheryl yelled as she made her way down by me.
     She hugged me and looked out at the rest of the school. "Let's welcome the serpents!" She cheered as the students roared with cheer and started to clap. "Thank you." I whispered to the redhead. "I'd do it again in a heartbeat." She responded with a smile.

A/N: Sorry I haven't updated for a while, I wasn't sure how to write this chapter so waited until I could think of way to bring Toni to Riverdale High without her moving because of Cheryl but yeah, I'm sorry. Hope y'all had a great Christmas and New Years :)

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