Chapter 4

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Then I see Ziya's head pop through the doorway.
"Oh umm... do you need privacy."
"No, no come in." I say anxiously.
"Ar- are you sure?!"
"Yes!" I say with the slightest bit of annoyance in my voice. I see her walk in and hug me.
Then Griffin says "aww what about me!" He has an adorable sad puppy face on that NO ONE can resist.
Then Ziya says "fine but only because you are his mate."
"How did you know!"

"I totally wasn't underneath that bush out the window with binoculars hearing everything you said and seeing everything you did..."
"ZIYA!" I say angry that she was spying on us.
"Ha ha fell for it and you just told me that something was happening I just guessed the mate thing."
"Really.... well Jesus."
"Please don't hate meh..."
Griffins POV:
I Just was watching my mate and acquaintance chat on and on. They must be really good friends.
I saw someone crack open the door and it was the doctor.
"Your awake!" I hear the doc say.
Then I hear Tooth say "Yes, yes I am."
"Everyone out I need to check up on him."
Then we walk out of the room.

Tooth's POV:
"So how do you feel?"
"I feel great better then ever!"
"Good!" Then he writes something on a pice of paper I am guessing to write down how I am doing.
"Well you say you don't have a gender right."
"Yes... why?"
"I just want to know... and also for your real record I am really sorry but we need to know your real gender."
"I don't like to talk about it but... here I go... I-i am a-a b-boy."
"Thank you for being honest and again I am sorry we just need to write that down in your specified so we can tell what affects you."
"I get it."

"So are you hungry you want water... any of that?"  
"I would like some water please."
Then I see him walk out the door and I sit in the room alone. When he comes back he then hands me a large cup of water.
I take it with my two hands and chug it one gulp at a time.
"Woah you must be thirsty.."
"What's your name anyway..."
"It's Luca!"
"Interesting name!"
"So is yours I have never seen or heard someone with the name Tooth."

"Yeah it is a really rare name I suppose."
"Well I am going to guess your little man wants to come back."
"My what." I start to blush really hard when he says that.
Then he calls a number on his phone I am guessing Griffin.
Then he hands the phone to me.
"Hey Tooth there is another newbie today named Chrysanthemum."
"Hmm... that name seems familiar."
"I think you guys will be great friends"
"I hope we will!"
"The werewolf ceremony is going to happen any minuet are you well enough to come?"
"Let me ask Luca."
I put the phone down and ask "there is a new comer and her ceremony is today am I well enough to go?"
"Everything seems to be okay..." "Yes you can go."
Then I pick the phone up and say "yes I am aloud to go."
"You have to transform into a wolf for this one okay."
"Okay... let me ask doc if that's okay too."
I put the phone down once more.
"Am I aloud to transform?"
"Yes of course you are."

I pick up the phone again and say "he said yah see you there!"
"Bye my love."
"Bye xoxo." Then I press the bright red hangup button.
"Can you take these wires out of me."
"Yes, can you take the pain you think." He says as he turns off the heart monitor.
"Yeah how hard can it b-."
He rips them out it hurts so bad but I pretend it doesn't.
"Did that hurt?"
"No..." I sniffle.
"Well change into a wolf now and you can follow me just follow behind okay?"
I take about ten to fifteen breaths and then change.
Luca takes about three and then changes.
He is a beautiful white color the exact opposite of me I was dark ink black with white tips on my tail and ears.
I follow behind him to get to the place I went to transform. I saw Griffin make eye contact with me and the fur on my cheeks turned red and I looked away then back up to here him say the usual.
I looked up at the new wolf she was brown and a little on the chubby side but really cute looking not in a I want to date you just kawaii you know.
When that was the ceremony was done it was 3:39.
Aka time for me to sleep. I was escorted to my room by no other then Griffin.
Then I go in my room and start to close my door then get interrupted.
"You can't be in there all alone now can you..."
"Come one come all but now just you come."
I open my door and he walks in and closes the door.
He then sits on my bed and I sit in between his legs and I am very small so it fits just right I then grab my fluffy blanket cover and cover both of us just enough that our heads just stick out a little.
"You are so warm." I say nuzzling my head into his neck.
"Your so cold... I think I am going to wake up freezing but I bet it's worth it." He says shivering.
I then lay down and nuzzle up against his chest. When I do so I feel his not 6 but straight up 8 pack with my head.

Then I grab my hand and knock on his abs and say "rock solid."
I then see him turn red. He then kisses my forehead. Then I kiss his lips for a long time at least over 10 seconds I then start running out of breath so then I stop breathing for more air.
He then removes his shirt and I start blushing madly.
Then of course he says "it's getting hot in here."
I then kiss him again and i here him say.
"My wolf wants you so bad."
Then I reply with "you'll have to wait."

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