Ticket C152

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The last bell rings I can hear it but I have to finish this one last sentence.
Of course the one and only Dillion Brown comes around and slams my book closed.  He didn't say anything and I never say anything.  I simply stand up and grab my bag and walk down the hall, open the old rusty red doors and walk outside with all theses crazy people with no common sense. I take my time walking threw the crazed crowds, no need to be fast I don't bother to take the bus. Last time I was on a bus... Well you know what forget about the bus story my name is Hayden Christensen its November 17th 1973 and today is my 18th Birthday  but it doesn't matter the only thing that's different about being 18 is that I have to get a draft ticket which isn't a problem because I wont get drafted, a lot of people don't get drafted and I don't think I will.
I walk into the house to find my mother watching the news with a smoke in her hand and my father with his bottle of whisky and his news paper. No words to me when I walked in the house so I just waked to my room and started on my homework.  When I finish my homework I normally spend hours on my book, Thats the only thing I do Its the only thing that I can actually do. My book is about me, who I am, or the questions no one asked me so I am myself. I guess I'm lonely and will be forever.........  Who would love me I'm a school clown, That what everyone tells me. No girl is going to be attracted to me so I'll just move on, I don't need a house wife! I will have my story to right in a house far away from my parents.

"Hayden"  I hear my name being called from the kitchen as my father opens my door. "Hayden you got two letters today, Please tell me you got a blond sexy woman giving you letter for your birthday, Just kidding it's definitely not that" he turns away and leaves the room. I wish he wasn't dumb, also I love how my parents know its my birthday but its to much for them to say happy birthday to there only son. I look don at the letters and see that one was labeled "Hayden Christensen U.S.A Army". My hart skipped a beat as I opened the letter, I unfold the papers that where inside the envelope to see my draft number C152. I told myself that I wouldn't get drafted but know that this number lies in my hand I feel as if it could actually happen. I lay my number on my desk and grab my coat and leave my house. Having no one to talk to about this to is the worst feeling I've ever had. I have no friends and no family I'm all alone, with this horrible though of being drafted I didn't realize I walked around the park 5 times then headed home. When I got home no one was awake so I quietly walk to the bathroom and take a shower. After a long shower I stared at myself in the mirror and thought to myself , how could a small guy like me survive war?. That night I couldn't get any sleep, I laced awake for hours.
Eventually my alarm went off and I got ready for school and left the house with my book and draft ticket. Once you get. Draft ticket you hold on to it just in case your number gets called. The walk to school was the fastest walk I have ever walked. When I got to school I went to my locker and but all my stuff away and grabbed my English book and headed straight to class. First period I have to deal with Dillion Brown and so as last period. It is the worst thing ever and specially because he things we are birthday buddy's even though he treats me like shit. The whole class we talked about a Shakespeare's play called Romeo and Juliet, as a writer Romeo and Juliet is the star of all romance story's. 7 minutes before passing Miss. Candle our principle walks into the room with a paper. She stope the teacher with an extreme discomfort with her tone of voice. "May I please see Dillion Brown, Christian Baker and Jack Bowen" I was so relived to not hear my name, I never really get in trouble so why would she call my name?. "Oh and sorry Hayden Christensen" My hart dropped a I stood up in a panic "Boys please take all your stuff too" I grabbed my bag and made my way out of the classroom.

I remember walking behind everyone and seeing my principles mouth move but I didn't hear anything that she said, I don't know what wrong with me. We walk into the office and see all the desk lady's as they all looked very shocked and almost scared witch gave me a feeling that this wasn't going to be good at all. We fallowed her into her room  to find two large men standing in the rooms wearing outfits that only soldiers wear. "Boys I'm a recruiting officer Mr. bar and my fellow friend Mr. Laymen you boys have been drafted" I couldn't think to myself, I looked around the room to see Dillion sitting still and with a face of  pure sacredness. "You boys start your training tomorrow morning so please meet at the army gate at 6:00 AM, Thank you for your time boys see you tomorrow" They leave the room as the Principle looks at us "I'll leave you guys for a little" she walks out of the room as we all stayed silent. Miss. Candle walked back into the room and started to talk "Boys its know 4th period and we will excuse you early so you may go get all your belongings, Boys stay strong" we all stood up as she ran to the door and held it open for us.

I walked down the halls behind 3 boys whole separated into different rooms and finally I got to my room. I walked in as if nothing happened I walked up to Miss. Paisley to tell her what was happening "Hayden I wish you the best, please gather your tuff" I did a she asked, after I gathered all my stuff I felt someone tug on my bag that was on my shoulder. I turn around to see if my bag got caught on my desk and I see that Kasey Rose was looking at me with a frightening face a if she knew what was happening. I was going to say something but I turned away and walked out of the class room. Some how I was behind all 3 boys walking out of the school. I'm taking deep breaths while I think to my self That this will be the last time I walk in this hallway that this will be the last time I allow myself to be a nerd. I know things need to change and I wasn't going to be the same as I always have been. I walk trough the rusty red doors and close my eyes and tell myself that I will survive.
I didn't say anything to the boys I just stood there thinking that at least I will never see Dillion ever again, I walked home and packed all my things that  I wanted to keep with me, then I laid down and allowed myself to close my eyes to sleep, When I woke up it it was 11:37 PM and I new my parents were going to be asleep so I wrote a letter to them to wake up to tomorrow morning, They never asked why I was home so I waited for his letter. I left the note in the kitchen and headed back to my room to sleep. My alarm went off at 5:00 AM and I got ready and grabbed my bags and left the house, the strange thing was that I didn't think about dieing or being scared I made it sound good in my head because I am the only one I can fight for. I arrived to the gate along with many other young boys, we all had are draft cards in our hands with a straight face. I've never been in a crowed that was so silent

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2018 ⏰

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