The child

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His words ran through her head on repeat "Because you are a beautiful lie. And I am a painful truth." Life had to get this boy out of her head, but perhaps she didn't want to..No! This would never work. Life shook her head and got dressed. She wore a sky blue tee-shirt that only had one sleeve and dark blue jeans. Her shoes were simply black flats, she kept her long brown hair down, her hair had streaks of every color in it. Every color except black, she always found it odd that there was no black but she couldn't change it, she'd tried.

As Life walked to work she got tons of hellos and smiles like normal, she kept her bright smile and would wave and smile back. Of course, everyone on Earth called her Livy or just Liv though they all knew she was Life. She slipped into work clothes and headed off to her job, in the hospital. She worked in the baby ward and seemed to make every crying child smile, no one ever seemed to die in labor when she took care of them. As Life was leaving work she spotted Death, all in black leaving his own ward, which...well let's just say they both got wards corresponding to what they were, and his wasn't as happy as hers.

Still, Life ran after him they'd been on one date and Life had had the time of her life she needed to tell him how much she loved him. "Death!" she called out to him, he turned to face her " shouldn't be talking to me you know" he responded always the pessimist, Life just rolled her eyes and nodded "I'm aware, but I've been thinking about what you said last night Death and....I-I love you Death. I don't care if no one else does or what they say. I need to be with you.  She pulled him close and kissed him

Time Skip

This was it, it was finally time, Life smiled as she waved goodbye to her husband and her two little daughters, twins, and went into labor with her third, and last child. She was brought into the same room she had helped so many others and closed her eyes

Time Skip again 

Life and Death stared at their third daughter she looked nothing like her sisters the two exchanged a look and they knew they could no longer stay on Earth, for this daughter didn't have Death's powers like Luna or Life's powers like Cira. She had a combination of the two and who knew what she could do.

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