Chapter 1. Not The Only One.

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       For the first time in a few days Nick Fury had a moment to himself, to collect his thoughts and think about the next phase in his place to locate the Tesseract and the thief who stole it. What he didn't want was his phone ringing, breaking the only moment of peace he had had in 24 hours. Clicking the phone he brought it up to his ear, voice clipped and annoyed.


"Sir we have a problem." A female voice announced on the other side of the line, the man's eye closing for a moment at his ever-growing pile of problems

"I don't want to hear that." He barked, the ever-permanent scowl etching itself deeper onto his face, "I have a missing energy source, a rogue Asgardian, a compromised agent and a team that can barely function as a team, I don't need another problem."

"Sir she's been showing increased signs of activity in the last 24 hours."

The normally stoic man froze, as he immediately came to the realization of what was being told to him. There was no way that this was happening now, after being dormant all this time. Thinking back over the last year he began putting together and scrapping theories as to why now there would any signs of activity.

"Is she awake?" he asked, glancing around the room, making sure he was the only one still around to hear.

"No sir, there was an elevation of her heart rate and a fluctuation in her brain waves." The woman explained, rattling off numbers but the one-eyed man ignored them, "There was also REM movement during both moments.

"What time was this at?" he barked, the pieces falling into place slowly.

"Yesterday evening, approximately 7." She rattled off, and Fury felt a slight trickle of worry creep down his spine.

Thinking back to the evening before, the SHIELD base having been destroyed with the portal that had brought the Asgardian to Earth. Fury wasn't sure what time the portal had been opened but if he had to guess he would have said it was around 7. When the Tesseract had opened the portal she reacted, she had been affected enough to stir from a deep, unwaking sleep.

"Sir? What do you want to do about this?" the voice interrupted, Fury's eye staring out of the window, the clouds floating peacefully despite the turmoil around them.

"As of right now nothing. Double the security around her room and keep me posted if there are any more...reactions." He instructed, making a mental note to check in as soon as this problem was taken care of.

"What about Captain Rogers? Should he finally be informed about this?" she asked softly, the tiniest flicker of regret racing through him before he shut it down.

"Not at the moment. We need him focused on the task at hand. Bringing this into light is only gonna make it harder on him." Fury shook his head, knowing what kind of reaction he was likely going to get from the soldier, "Once this is done and the cube is back in our hands we'll deal with this and Rogers."

"Copy that sir."

Without another word Fury disconnected the call, the new problem suddenly filling his thoughts. When Steve Rogers had been found in the ice the year before it caused the biggest buzz they had had in awhile in SHIELD. When they realized that he was alive it was even bigger deal, the Captain surviving being frozen for 70 years. As he emerged into the world there was a secret that Fury had kept to himself, only a select few knew and the rest were kept in the dark. Now that this information was coming to light, that there were signs of brain activity, Fury was wondering if this secret was going to come back and bite him in the ass. Right now, Rogers was on his team, working for SHIELD but one this information came to light he might have some issues.

When they pulled Steve Rogers from the ice and realized he was still alive, he wasn't the only one they had found.

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