Chapter 12. Disturbances

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As you left you wanted to ask Steve a million questions, but it didn't take you long to figure it out on your own, reading the medication bottles on the nightstand. Donepezil and Galantamine were used in treating Alzheimer's disease and by the way she reacted after a coughing fit it was obviously turning into a severe case for sure, forgetting about ever meeting Steve or yourself. As you made it to the bike Steve sat on it, crossing his legs at his ankles and looking at you.

"You don't have to explain anything Steve, I know." You shook you head, seeing the confusion, "The medication on the tables, I know what they're for."

"Ah, I forgot the whole super smart thing." He nodded, and you moved closer, your feet nearly touching.

"I'm sorry, but at least she still knows you, still knows us." You said softly, reaching out your hand for his, Steve immediately taking it, "We at least have that to be thankful for."

"Yeah we do." He agreed, his thumb running over yours, "I want to go talk to Sam."

"Wilson?" you questioned, and he nodded.

"I just feel like right now where my mind is at he's the person to talk to." He explained, sounding confused, "I don't want to lay anymore on you Kat, not today."

"I know, I honestly am not sure I could handle anymore." You admitted, seeing the look he gave you, worry coloring his eyes, "I'm fine Steve. I just want to go to the store and get some groceries, do something normal for an hour. I need normalcy after today. I've worked so hard at being normal, and moving on from the past but I feel like I've backtracked, and I don't like it."

"You miss him." Steve stated, and you shook your head.

"I miss him everyday but now it's like I can't breathe every time I think about him again. I don't want to sink back down into that." You explained, seeing the sympathy rise up.

"You won't. You're stronger then that." Steve reassured you, pulling you towards the bike, "Come on, I'll drop you off at the store."

"Do you want me to wait to make supper with me or do you want me just to make it?" I asked, throwing my leg over the bike.

"Wait for me, I think I need a bit of normal today too." He commented over his shoulder, starting the bike up.

Wrapping your arms around his middle he took off down the street. You rested your head against his back, gripping the bike with your legs as he took you back towards home.

It was getting dark by the time you left the store, a whole cart full of groceries and a feeling Steve was going to think you were crazy. Loading them into the cab you gave them yours and Steve's address, sitting back against the seat, genuinely feeling tired after the day. As your drove through traffic you were surprised at how slow you were going, creeping along inch by inch.

"Must have been an accident." The cab driver called over his shoulder and you nodded, leaning around to look.

Just as you settled back there was an obvious explosion and before you could do anything the driver was out of his seat and running away. Everyone around you was out of their cars and running away as a large SUV slid on its hood down the street, even from the distance you could see it was smoking. Getting out of the cab you ran towards the main street, hearing people screaming but you barely slowed, coming to a stop on the street. There were two other black vehicles and you saw one person getting into them, long brown hair and a mask covering all their features. Before you could ever think of going after them they peeled off, leaving the scene. Running up to the flipped SUV you frowned when you saw the way the door was torn off and the large hole in the middle of the roof. The edges were still smoking and even from the quick glance you knew this was SHIELD technology.

Here And Now (Bucky Barnes) Sequel to Not Leaving You BehindTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang