Chapter 2. Wrong.

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      "So, the Dodgers are tied 4-4 and the crowd well knows that with one swing of his bat this fellow's capable of making it a brand-new game again."

The droning voice coaxed your conscious closer and closer to the surface, breaking through the comforting inky blackness of sleep. Frowning you cracked your eyes slightly, wincing when the bright lights hit your overly sensitive eyes. Your pupils contracted before adjusting, staring up at the lone light reflecting off the brilliantly white ceiling. Without moving a single muscle, you took a glance around the room, assessing it with a single sweep of your eyes. When you decided there was no threat you sat up, the room spinning only slightly before settling back into place. Glancing down at yourself, you saw a t-shirt and pants, like the ones you had trained with back in London when you first discovered your power. You had no problem getting to your feet, only a slight protest in your muscles from being unused which raised only more questions. Before you had a chance to figure things out a door opened and a woman walked in, dressed in a military outfit and you froze.

"Good morning." She said softly, her voice soothing and you instantly put your guard up.

"Where am I?" you asked carefully, taking a miniscule step backwards despite the pleasant smile on her face.

"You're in a recovery room in New York City." She explained carefully, holding her hands passively at her side.

You glanced out the window, seeing the brick buildings and windows across the street and you frowned. Something felt off but you couldn't quite put your finger on it at the moment. Closing your eyes, you felt an ache start in the middle of your forehead as you tried to think.

"Sergeant Cowan I understand this must be difficult for you. Would you like me to help you?" she asked, and your eyes flew open looking past her to the radio on the table.

"Why are you lying to me?" you questioned, distrust in every line in your body.

"I'm afraid I don't understand." She shook her head at you and you took another step back, sweeping the room for anything you could use as a weapon.

"The game on the radio." You said through clenched teeth, heart thumping painfully against your chest, "IT's from 1941. I remember it because I was there with...I was there with Bucky. He took me to it."

The radio was the only noise in the room as you saw the surprise flash in her eyes. You knew instantly that she knew you were right and you shifted your weight, leaning towards the window and wondered just how high up you were. The super strength in you was impressive but you weren't sure you were willing to test it. Before you even had a chance to think about leaping through the glass the door behind the woman opened and two men walked in, dressed in all black, eerily similar to Hydra agents. Your mind went into utter panic mode, the adrenaline racing through you at an alarming rate.

"Who are you?" you snapped, eyes flickering between the woman and the two men, "Where the hell am I?"

"Kathryn..." the woman said softly as one of the men stepped forward, getting a little too close for your liking.

Your instincts kicked in and you crouched, sweeping your leg out and knocking him to the floor. The other man came at you and you grabbed him, throwing him towards the door. What you weren't expecting was for a large chunk of the wall to disappear with the door, revealing another room on the outside of the one you were in. Giving a swift kick to the man on the floor you knocked him out before dashing for hole, easily avoiding the woman in the process.

"Sergeant Cowan, wait!" she shouted, scrambling after you.

Glancing around was all the confirmation you needed to continue running, the brick building on the outside of the room just pictures on a screen. You could hear the woman talking rapidly behind you as you ran towards the only set of doors in the room, busting through them.

As you ran out into the hall you barely had time to take in your surroundings, the woman's voice blasting through the large hall making ever single person there turn. Your fight or flight instinct was strong but as you saw the number of people you knew there was only one option that would work for you. Turning on your hell you skidded down the hall, pushing people into each other, arms reaching for you and skimming you by millimeters. There was no time for fear as you ran out of the building and down the street, narrowly missing people and cars as you pushed your legs to run. You immediately knew something was wrong as you came to the center of the roads and stopped for a brief moment. IT was New York but it wasn't at the same time, a million different colors blasting out and assaulting your eyes till you couldn't look anymore. Beneath the bright surface you could see rubble and trash littering the streets and looking up you could see pieces of building missing. You had no idea what had happened but you weren't sticking around the find out. You could hear cars screeching and footsteps pounding against concrete and you knew you had lingered here long enough. Taking off you let the memory of running down some of these streets lead you. At the moment you had no idea where you were going, only that anywhere was better then back with those Hydra agents.

Here And Now (Bucky Barnes) Sequel to Not Leaving You BehindWhere stories live. Discover now