Briaunna's Back

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Chapter 4,

Days later after the big make up everyone was their home. Briaunna told Klaus she was gonna go to the market to get some food for the month. At the market Bree was shopping. She paid and started walking to her car when a shape shifter who shifted into Alan # 2 walked up to her. Alan #2 says Oh my god Bree thank god I found you. Briaunna turns to look at Alan and says Alan? What are you doing here? Alan says No time for questions we need to go right now. You, Nik ,and the kids are in danger. My sister was confused that Klaus didn't call her. She at first was a little worried but she went with him anyways. They got in Alan's car and headed to New Orleans. Bree was still a little worried.

They got to the city but they went to the ends of New Orleans. Briaunna asked the shape shifter where was Klaus and the kids. The shifter says Let me show you. Bree followed him. He opened a door that lead to a room with just a bed. Bree looked inside and seen there was no one in there. Bree looks at him and says There's no one in there. The shifter pushes her into the room and locks the door behind her. She gets up and tries every way she was able to but the door was for one supernatural proof. She was screaming Fuck!!! Back at her place Klaus was rocking baby Jasper to sleep. He stared getting worried about my sister Bree. After he put the baby in the crib he began calling her phone.

She had left her phone in the car. Klaus calls my phone. I answer and says Hey what's up. Klaus says Hey did Bree stop by your guys house? I say No. Why is everything okay? Klaus tells me that Bree went to the store and never came back. I tell him want me to head to the apartment. Klaus says Can you please. I tell him Yeah sure. Ill be right there. We hang up the phones. Jamie asks me what was going on. I tell her we think was missing. She asks me if I want her to go with me. We head over there. Klaus is already ready. As soon as we get there he leaves to go search for my sister. He gets to the market she told him she was gonna be at. He sees her car, He runs into the market and goes threw the whole market.

She wasn't there. He started asking people if they seen Bree. The shopping cart boy had told him that he seen my sister talking to someone. Klaus asked What did he look like. The cart boy started talking describing Alan. Klaus said Thank you. As he was walking away he called me. I say Did you find her? Klaus says The shopping cart guy said she was talking to Alan. I'm gonna head to New Orleans. I say That's fine. Do what you got to do. We hang up. Mikayla walks out of her room and says Uncle Cesar? I turn and look at Mikayla and say Yes honey? Mikayla says Is my mom alright? Jamie says Yeah she's fine. She's with Alan. On the road Klaus calls Alan. Alan says Nik laid what's going on?

Klaus says Hey where's Bree? Alan says How am I suppose to know she's your girlfriend? Klaus says AL I don't have any time for questions is she or isn't she there with you? Alan says No she's not. Why? Klaus says Are you sure? Alan says Yes. Why? Klaus says Fuck she got kidnapped by a shape shifter then. Alan says Why do you say that? Klaus says Bree told me she was gonna come to the market in Nortime. Alan says She's probably there Nik. Klaus says She's not. I just left the market her car, purse, and keys were there but she wasn't and I talked to someone who works there and they said she was talking to you. Alan says Did the person hear what they were saying? Klaus says Yeah he did.

Alan says Okay what did the shape shifter tell her? Klaus said That we were all in danger and that I was heading to New Orleans with the kids. Alan says I'll have all my men search for her. Klaus says alright I'll be there soon. Alan says Okay see you soon. After they hung up Alan made everyone who he knew gather around so he can tell them what he needed him to do. Everyone was thinking that Bree was so stupid for falling for it Alan killed two of his people who was making comments about Bree. Alan says Now who wants to say something? They all stood quiet. Alan says That's what I thought. They left to go search for Bree. Klaus was half ways there. Me, Jamie and the kids were getting ready to leave.

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