Briaunna and Nikklaus's wedding

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Chapter 8,

A month after that little fight happened Me and Jamie were at our apartment. It was ten in the morning. Jamie was still sleeping. I was cooking her breakfast. When I walked in our bedroom she was barley walking up. She looks at me and says Good morning Mr. Andrews We kissed, she seen I made her breakfast. She thought it was super sweet. I'm about to hand her the plate when she tells me to hold it and runs to the restroom. She starts throwing up. I ask her if she was okay. When she came out she said Yeah I'm fine. I ask her if she was sure. Right when she was gonna answer me she starts throwing up once again. I hold her hair back for her like a good boyfriend would do. She stops to say.

Jamie says Babe can you go get me a test please? I say Sure my love. I leave to go get at least three of the pregnancy test. I get back so Jamie can take all three of them. We wait at least ten minutes to look at all of them. After the ten minutes were up we looked at them and seen that all three were positive. Jamie and I were over joyed about the news. We called everyone over to our place later that day. They were all so happy and excited for me and Jamie. I know I was pretty excited to be a father. Two weeks later we all went to New Orleans. For what a little surprise for Bree. Alan and Amber told Bree they were throwing a birthday party for their daughter when in reality we were planning something else.

Bree had no clue that today was hers and Nik's wedding day. We all got there. Amber took Bree, Wyatt, and Jamie upstairs to her room. Us guys went to different rooms to change into our tuxedos. while we were getting ready they were setting up down stairs. Amber says Hey Bree are you and Nik ever gonna try to have another wedding? Briaunna says We been talking about it. Amber says Oh good cause I got you something. Briaunna says What do you mean? Amber pulls out a big box. She places it on her bed and says Open it. Bree smiles and says Okay. She opens up the box and says Oh... my... god. Is this a... Amber says A wedding dress, yes it. I seen it and thought it was so you.

Bree and her hug, as they were Bree said thank you to her. Amber says Why don't you try it on? Bree says Yeah. She goes into Ariel's nursery to try it on. When she comes out Alan is the only one in the room. Bree says Where's Amber, Wyatt and Jamie. Alan says Amber had to go talk to one of the waiters, Wyatt went to go check on the kids and your brother wanted to talk to her. Bree says Oh okay. Alan says I need your help with something so can you please come with me. Bree says Uhh yeah let me change. Alan grabs her hand and says No time love I need you right now. He leads Bree outside of the compound. Bree says Alan what are we doing out here? Alan says Go in. Bree says Why.

Alan says You'll see when you go in. Bree walked in and said Alan I swear it better not be one of those times that you say you have a surprise for me and it ends up me taking care of your... Bree was stun to see how the compound looked. Bree asks with a cracked voice What's going on? Alan says You know what's going on. He hand her a the flower bouquet she always wanted. Noah our father walked up and says May I walk my beautiful loving little girl down this amazing aisle. Bree starts to cry a little and says Yes to our father. He holds out his hand. Bree grabs it. They began to walk down the aisle. At the end was the minster Klaus, me, Jace, and Alan for Bree's bride maids were Wyatt, Jamie and Amber.

Noah kisses Briaunna on the check and says I love you sweetheart. Briaunna say I love you dad. Klaus held out his hand and said Well hello beautiful. Briaunna whispers I can't believe you did all this. Klaus whispers back to her I would do anything for you my love. She smiles. The minster speaks, He says Before we begin does anyone see a reason why these two shouldn't be married speak now or forever hold your piece. We all look around and most of us look at Merandia. She looks at us with an upset look and says Hey I would of said something by now if I didn't want this to happen. We all look back at the front of us.

The minster says We are all gathered here today to bare witness the coming together of Ms. Briaunna Nicole Martinez and Mr. Nikklaus Marcel Anderson. I was took told Klaus you wrote your own vows. Klaus says Yes I have. The Minster says You may say yours. Klaus says Okay here goes nothing. We all laugh. Klaus says Briaunna, you are the light in the see of darkness. I always dreamed that I was gonna find the perfect girl for me. When I met you I knew you were that girl. I have loved other girls before but I never loved them the way I love with you. I was one person as a human and a different person as a vampire.

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