Character Info

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(Drawn By Gracie Hyde)

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(Drawn By Gracie Hyde)

Name: Abbi

Full Name: ???

Nickname: Ender Girl, Dragon girl, Babbi, (other nicknames she really doesn't like...)

Age: ??? (looks 16)

Gender: Female

Sexuality: meh, she doesn't care about romance that much but she came from a time where gay wasn't a thing yet so I guess she's straight but that could change...

Species(After curse): ??? (Humanoid Appearance but is able to shift form if has enough power and if chooses to do so, is currently working on changing form)

Species (Before curse): Human

Weight: depends....

Height: 5'4ish

Personality: Shy, serious, nice, helpful, determined to get (any) job done, smart, secretive.

Family: none currently known

Friends(After curse): To many to count, some are forgotten, some are dead, but only a few of them are only considered to be actual friends of hers. Those she had not forgotten but are forgotten and gone,(Real minecraft friends wise) or dead. (RP wise)

Enemies: Herobrine and I guess anyone truly evil she comes across.

Allies: everyone else except her enemies I guess...

Powers(Before Curse): None

Powers(After curse): Wings, Ender magic, dark magic, "Natural Instinct" that comes with the curse and acts as sorta an emergency defense system that takes control of her actions makes her eyes go white and will not stop until it has power(it's also difficult to pull back, almost impossible), this also comes with the ability to drain power and give power (even though giving power almost kills her).

Strengths: Power, friend's support, "Natural instinct", Dark Magic, Ender Magic, the void.

Weakness: Having to drain energy out of her friends [especially from her natural instincts ], water, "Natural instincts", the void, not getting enough power (and when she doesn't get enough power she fades away, her existence going back into the void and staying there until the right time when she can go out again [usually when she re-forms int he void with the right conditions]) Headaches, her hate, herobrine and his power, her curse.

Likes: Friends, exploring new places, interesting things, powerful things, being helpful in a good way, the colors black and purple, The End, The Void, Ender Magic, finding out new cool new stuff, The Ender Dragon, Endermen, other people with interesting powers, other people being the first one to approach her to make friends. Her strengths. Causing pain to those who deserve it. 

Dislikes: socializing too much and having to talk to someone she doesn't know, having to be the first one to approach someone to make a new friend, having to ask for help directly, other people not taking advice on things she knows about, talking about her other powers (such as her "Natural instincts" or her power draining ability) having to get energy out of her friends, being controlled by her "natural instincts", using her power to much, her weakness, water, fading away, causing pain to others. Her curse. Headaches she gets from her "natural instincts". Absorbing power out of her friends or endermen or anything related to ender power. Changing forms.

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