Abbi's Story (Part 2): Todd

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Scarlet wakes up in a pit about as tall as her. The first thing she sees is stone before waking up fully to someone saying "Uh, hello?" The voice was deeper, an adult guy's voice. "Uh, hello young miss, a-are you ok? Hello?" A man dressed in traveler clothes with a brown beard and light tan skin and brown eyes and hair peeks into the pit scarlet is stuck in. "Uh, hello? Who is there?" Scarlet responds and looks to where the voice is coming from and sees the man bent down looking down at her with kind eyes to see if she's ok. "Who are you?" "I-I... My name is Todd. Um... Do you have something on you?" "Have something on me, what... what do you mean?" "You... look you have something on you." Todd said. "What?" Scarlet checks herself and realizes she has burnt armor on. "Oh the mask... A mask? why would I have a mask on?" Scarlet said and took off a wither skeleton skull head. "Ok, well I'm going to let you out of this pit now." Todd said and dug a little on the side of the pit for her. "Please help me." Scarlet said "I- I'm afraid I don't remember what my name is... or where I'm from." Scarlet said. "You don't remember what your name is?" Todd asked. "No... I had this really weird dream or at least i think it's a dream." Scarlet said as Todd helped her out of the pit. The pit had been near a semi large familiar village in the middle of the plains and a forest next to it. "Ok, well um I'm just gonna call you... I don't know what to call you I'll just call you Scarlet, you look like a Scarlet." Todd said. "A- Ok, the name actually does kinda sound familiar..." "Yeah, I've been staying in this house... in this village." Tod said and went into a house that was a bit bigger than the rest. "It's the only nice one around here... all the rest are kinda done for." Once inside Scarlet found it very familiar. except for the jukebox next tot he wall. Todd went into the backyard finishing the tour of the house revealing a dog house sitting in the backyard along with alot of clothes (probably his) hanging up to dry. "That's allota leather armor." Scarlet said looking at all the clothing that practically surrounded the backyard. "Yeah." Todd agreed. "Except I'm not the one who placed it here." Todd said and went inside. "Your not?" Scarlet asked following Todd inside the house. "Nope, I just found this house how it is. It's got stuff in it." Todd said and opened a chest with stuff in it. "Hm." "You want some cooked rabbit?" Todd asked. "Sure, why not,"Scarlet said as Todd said "Here ya' go." and gave it to Scarlet. "Thanks." Scarlet said, taking the cooked rabbit then looked out the front door. The she found a music disc on the ground with a black middle and the music disc old and scratched up. Scarlet looks at it before Todd goes past her and looks at her and said "You git my music disk," the music disk was titled "11". "Hm. Strange music disk." "Actually... It's not my music disk it's actually someone else's..." Todd said as Scarlet handed back the music disk and then accidentally picked it up again due to minecraft controls. "Uh, can I... Have it?" Todd asked. "Oh sorry, I'm having a hard time." Scarlet said but it was like the music disk was attached to her and couldn't seem to throw it. "Why is the music disk special to you?" Todd asked and went further away so scarlet could give it properly. "No." She said and turned towards Todd. "I just can't figure out how to throw it," scarlet said laughing slightly. "Uh oh.. just uh... Toss it?" Todd said. "Uh, sorry about that." Scarlet said, and Todd and her both had a good laugh at this odd thing. Scarlet managed to throw the disk at Todd and Todd took it and put it in his backpack. "What's your name?" Scarlet asked, like meeting a new friend. "Uh, I already told you it's Todd." Todd said. "Oh sorry, I'm a little forgetful." "Yeah I can see that... You gonna take that stuff off?" Scarlet realized she hadn't taken most of the Burt armour off yet. "Huh? What stuff? Oh yeah," "Uh so I can see you properly?" "Yeah sure." Scarlet replied and took the burnt armour off as well as alot of burnt smudges. "Oh, that's what you look like" Todd said a little suprised then paid attention to the beds "I don't know why there's two beds here and... Stuff. Looks like this Village is pretty run down, wanna come with me to my cottage?" "Sure why not," Scarlet said and followed Todd outside but hesitated then resumed following "Oh sorry, kinda lost you there." "It's fine -suddenly Todd realized something- uh hold on you stay out here, I gotta check on something." Todd said and went back into the house. Then came back out a few seconds later. "Ok, I know where my cottage is." Todd said and began walking again. Scarlet followed and said "Sure, why not." ... "Must be pretty far out here huh?" Scarlet said. "Yeah, I just recently found this village, seems pretty run down, then found the house which seemed... Pretty nice." They walked a little further then a wooden house came into view. "Anyways this is my cottage." "Nice cottageee," Scarlet said in admiration. "Thanks." Todd replied. They approached the cottage "uh.. it's getting night, I only have one bed but there's 2 beds in the village," "ok, then I should go there then." Scarlet said looking at a glow stone pillar in the distance. "Here, you stay here and I'll go, and get another bed for you." Scarlet went to Todd's cottage and said "Gee, thanks." "You welcome. Just... Get some rest." Todd said and scarlet went inside his cottage and Todd shut the door for her and started heading off towards the village. By this time it was sundown and Scarlet laid on bed and took a nap. About and hour later she woke up to something. "What was that noise?" Scarlet said. After briefly looking around she felt a wave of tiredness come over her. Scarlet yawned and said "Shame must be my imagination." She went to bed again. she sighed to herself as she couldn't really fall asleep "I'm having a hard time." She said to herself. Scarlet slept for a while before waking up from hearing a noise. She looked to her left and found a window pane was broken. "Broken glass..." She wondered to herself. "Umm... Is anybody there?" Scarlet called out. "Hello? Hello?! Uhmm... I don't mean to... Harm you or anything! If this is your cottage it's okay, I'll leave!" Scarlet called out again nervously into the night. "Please just don't harm me!" "What are you talking about?" She heard a guy's voice say. Then the door opened and Todd walked in. "Somebody broke your glass!" Scarlet told him and Todd closed the door behind him. "Oh that's fine I have a spare." Todd said and replaced the glass. "Ok... I woke up.and I heard running." Scarlet said. "That's weird, there's no one around here except us." Todd said. "Are you sure?" Scarlet asked. "Yeah, here I got a bed." Todd said and places another bed down. "Well.. maybe I just need a little sleep." Scarlet admitted. "yeah." Todd agreed, appearing to have something on his mind. "probably just worn down..." Scarlet said trying to convince herself, even something about this seemed very familiar. "Alright, well, good night." Scarlet said and hopped int he newly placed down bed. "'Night." Todd said and hopped in the other bed. ... Before they knew it it was morning and they both woke up and hopped out of bed. "Morning already?" "Yea it's morning" Todd said, still a little tired.  "Oh wow, that was fast." "Yeah it is." "well, I think I'm just gonna go for a walk." Scarlet said. "Ok, be safe." Todd said casually.  "hold on I'm going to wait till those...." Scarlet didn't finish but she meant till all the mobs had burned away. "By the way nice place." Scarlet complimented. "Thanks, it only takes a bit to set up since I've done it so many times." Todd replied. Scarlet noticed she still had the burnt armor and mask in her inventory. "I'm gonna put my mask on, you know, just in case." 'Yeah, that's fine it's.. your stuff anyways." Todd agreed. "Alright, well, bye." Scarlet said and walked out. "Siya, don't forget to come back... you'know?" "I won't." Scarlet reassured Todd from afar. "Okay." Todd said, organizing stuff back in his cottage, or maybe packing up, either one. "be back soon." Scarlet said. "Okay." Todd said. Scarlet looked and saw Todd watch her leave. Scarlet began her walk and breathed in the air "Ah, what a beautiful day, it's almost as if I know this place." She said. "Yet... it seems so far..." Scarlet said, a little sad. She encountered a hole as she found herself wandering back to the village and thought "Hm, what happened?" She arrived at the village and mumbled to herself. "Huh, I still don't understand why this is could look so... familiar." She thought out loud as she wandered into the house Todd showed her. "I mean it's not like anyone else was here before him." Scarlet wandered out to the backyard of the house with the dog kennel and the hanging clothes. "This is so confusing." She said as she inspected the clothing. "Hm." She said and went back into the house and started inspecting the nightstand by the 2 beds (Todd must've token an another bed form one of the other houses). "Hm." Scarlet said again, finding the dresser locked. She looked at the jukebox. "and that disk..." She wondered and walked out of the house. "I don't even know where he got it..." Scarlet sighed, seeing  some crops were still intact in the village, she went over to the carrot garden and began picking some. "Well might as well grab some carrots for him while I'm at it." Suddenly there is an explosion that happenes behind Scarlet from a creeper which causes her to black out. Scarlet wakes up at Todd's cottage very confused. "Wh-what? What 'm so confused..." She looks around and realizes where she is. "He's still not back yet...?" Scarlet says to herself then walks out of the cottage. "Might as well go and check." She says and sees a figure flying in the distance but is distracted by daisies.  She picks some up and said "Hm, I think I'll bring these back." she picks up some rotten flesh left over from a past burning zombie. "And that too." Then starts heading towards the village. She went up some hills, heading back to the village. She checked herself and noticed "Hm, my armor is gone." She approached the house "Probably left it in the house down here..." She went in the double bedded only nice house int he village and went through the house "hello? is anyone here?" She called lightly. She even checks the backyard and says to herself "Hm, I thought I saw somebody.... Guess it was nothing..." But as she went int he house, in the corner of her eye she saw someone at the window "hello?" she called again. and as she was leaving through the door that the window with the man with he white eyes was peering through  right next to it, she saw him fully, then quickly looked away then back, and he was gone. All in a split second. "Oh my gosh." She said and looked out the window, but there was nothing there. "Umm..." Scarlet started to get scared and worried for Todd. "Todd? Todd?!" She called and went back outside. "Todd?!" "Oh my gosh... what happened to him..? Todd?!" But there was still no answer as she called around, looking for him. "Todd... Todd?!" She called one final time and in her nervousness started to farm carrots again from the village garden. Suddenly a familiar sounded "Yeah? Scarlet? Juts drinking my milk." Todd said with milk in his hands. But Scarlet interrupted him "Oh Todd I saw the worst thing ever." "What?" "it was so horrible... Come here." Scarlet said frantically and went over to the house she where she saw the thing through the window. "What'd you see?" Todd asked, following her. "Cow, Zombie, creeper, Enderman?" "no it was this guy... he had really white eyes. He looked so familiar." Scarlet said going to the window. "...Enderman?" Todd just assumed again, probably not knowing what Scarlet was talking about. "No, no no it was.... Ah maybe it was just my imagination... sorry for bothering you..." Scarlet said. "Your fine," Todd said simply. "I've been having a hard time ever since... the incident. I just don't understand why..." "W-what incident?" Todd asked. Scarlet went into the backyard, still trying to remember. "What are you talking about you wee just in a pit and you were unconscious?" "Everything here just feels so familiar." Scarlet said and went back int eh house, clearly pacing. "I don't know.. I have a strange feeling about this place." She said, then sighed and went out of the house with Todd. They walked a little and found a hole near the well. "found your armor," Todd said and picked it up for her. "how'd this get here..?" Scarlet wondered. "Looks like a creeper blew part of it up." Todd said end picked up the left over dirt and cobblestone. "Here, Only your trousers, your skull, and your boots survived." Todd said and tossed her the burnt armor and mask. "Oh, thanks." Scarlet said and began putting it back on over her regular clothes. "Better than nothing." She said.  "Yeah that's true." Todd agreed. "Well, uh, I recently found this pot, we can go back to my cottage and place something down." Todd said, talking about a flower pot he had in his hands. "Oh I've got flowers, that's perfect." Scarlet said wandering around looking for anything else that might've survived the explosion, and she did. 'Oh, there's your chest piece." Todd said laughing slightly. Scarlet put it on. "That's better," She said. "Yeah, I have a thing of my own..." Todd said talking about his armor stand with iron armor in his cottage. "here I'll collect some potatoes." Scarlet said and collected some.  "All right," Todd said. "Even though I got like 2 pumpkin pie and 3 steak you know that right?" "I'll get some wheat." Scarlet added, ignoring Todd briefly and just generally enjoying gardening. "I know, but it's all ways good to have some extras right?" Scarlet said. "That's true." Todd admitted. Scarlet sighed "I just feel so strange about this place."... "All right, well I'll meet you back at the cottage." Todd said while Scarlet admired the crop she harvested. "All right, well bye." Scarlet said and looked around. "Wait, uh... silly me, he's gone already." Scarlet collected some more crops before saying "Alright, back home back home, here I come." But while Scarlet wandered through the village she said "I think I'll explore a few of these cottages." She wandered around peeking through the cottages and there windows. "This one's got a spider web, hm." She wandered to another one "This one looks pretty old. i think I'll take a peak." Then she went inside the old house then, seeing nothing interesting, she went out verifying "Yeah.. looks like it has been abandoned." Then started to walk "Well, I'm gonna get back to Todd's before he starts to worry." She starts to walk back and on the way she sees a rose poppy "huh, a red flower, you don't see many of these around." Scarlet said and attempts to pick it, and picks several, then walks a little more and Todd's cottage becomes visible. "Hm maybe I'll get some... nah...never mind." She arrives. "Welp home here I come." Then walks in. "Oh hi, nice to see you again." Todd said. Scarlet noticed Todd added a little shelf with a pot on it. "Nice vase" Scarlet said.  "oh, it's a pot, thanks." Tod said while Scarlet looked for a flower to put in the vase/pot. They put a daisy in the pot. "Nice, looks nice." Todd said. "This is my armor stand, I mean was my armor stand." Todd said, realizing his armor stand wasn't in the corner anymore. "That's cool." Scarlet said. "I dunno where it went." "I can get one for you tomorrow, you can stay here and rest, have a day of rest you've done so much for me." While Scarlet was saying that Todd was mumbling "No, no, it's okay, it's okay." "It's fine." Todd said once Scarlet was finished. "Alright," Scarlet said "...Alright welp-" "-Hey did you happen to know a person named Violet around here?" Todd interrupted. "What?" Scarlet asked. 'She uh passed... well I was traveling and I went through this forest, and she passed by me, she couldn't... she seemed kinda in a trance but the next thing I knew I couldn't find her when I was gonna go talk to her, and so I was wondering did you happen to know a person named violet?" 'That name sounds.. strangely familiar." Scarlet said once Tod finished his story. Then suddenly something clicked in Scarlet's mind "Oh my gosh! A memory! It just came back to me!" "Huh?" "I remember now! she was... oh... a friend.. yeah, she was a friend! We lived together in that cottage you found! That's why there were two beds! And the armor! the armor... ah... we had a dog, our dog loves leather, she would chew it up, uh..." "It sounds like a really good place. I hope you find her." "She-She went, she went looking for her dog one night and then.. I can't remember anything else.." "wanna know my story?" Todd suggested after Scarlet finished. "My story is, uh I've been traveling to find the rare legend... a ...rumor has been going around , it's.. like that person you described that person with white eyes, and I've been trying to track him down." "Wait what was his name?" Scarlet said desperately.  "Oh um... dah lemme see," Todd checked his chest and a paper inside the chest and then quickly said "Oh it's Herobrine." That name, even though said casually, sent a shiver down Scarlet's back. Todd closed the chest. "And disk 11, I dunno how it relates to disk 11 but... uh let's just get some rest." Todd said. "Yeah but I just... I feel like I know that name." Scarlet said as she fell asleep. "Yeah, well go to sleep." Todd said as he to fell asleep. 

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