Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

I walk further into the room, a warm sensation washing over me. Running my fingers over the duvet, I plop down as Harry studies me. He's shut the door behind him, which I find a bit odd, but I forget about it, drinking the last of my beer. It really doesn't make a difference because we're alone either way.

Harry sits his can on a nearby surface, finding the box of cigarettes in his flannel shirt pocket and pops one between his teeth. "I would offer sharing a blunt today, but I'm almost out and I can't get more until next week."

"Oh, that's fine. I really don't feel like doing any of that today."

"Mummy and Daddy almost catch you last night?" He teases, finding the spot next to me after getting an ash tray and lighting his smoke.

I volley back and forth on whether to tell him or not. "Actually, um...I may have to go to the doctor's soon, so..."

"Shit, Rae," he gaps at me. "When and for what?"

I stare wide eyed at him. "Soon, I think. It's for a check up," I don't lie, but I don't tell him what the check is for. "Why?"

"For someone who doesn't smoke it much it'll only take a few days to get out of your system, but it depends of when the appointment is. Rae, you have to set that appointment back as long as you can, okay?"

He remained calm during his instructions, and when he finishes, I gently nod. "So what do we do now?"

It took him no time at all to think of something. "Well, I don't know about you, but I still have a few questions," he smirks playfully.

"As do I."

He gestures with his hand, "Ladies first."

It's been bothering me for a few days now, especially after last night. "What are we?" I ask lowly, finding my joint hands and scrutinize them. Harry heard me though, much to my dismay, and becomes incredibly tense. I feel him staring intently and it makes me shift uncomfortably.

"What?" He asks, sounding utterly lost.

My nerves become frantic and jumpy, as does my heart, but I don't know the cause. Words begin to tumble from my mouth. "I just mean w-we... aren't really just friends, you know. Like, we've done stuff together."

"We haven't done that much together," he scoffs and I stop in my tracks.

"Well maybe not for you, but for me..."

I don't know how to describe the expression of his features. What I say is true, every word. Harry knows that I'm not as open with certain things like he is. He's confident in knowing what he does to girls, how they feel around him. I've never had to be confident because I've never been in situations like these. My parents have always chosen who I've been around ─ even if they don't realise it ─ and I'm sure they expect me to date certain guys as well.

But here Harry is making me go back on the things I've been taught to do and not do. I want to know it's not for nothing.

"You tell me, Rae," he leans in ever so slightly. I gulp.

"I-I don't know," I stutter.

I freeze when words I never expected came out of his mouth. "Do you like me?"

I feel as if he was trying to get some reaction out of me, not just an answer. Well done, Styles, it's working. My breathing comes out hard right now and it's a miracle my hands aren't trembling ─ most likely from the beer.

"If I say yes?" I inquiry.

"Then we move on to the next question."

I couldn't deny it, and I'm positive that Harry would've known I was lying if I said I didn't like him. "Yes."

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