Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

You wanna be

High for this

I shiver as we walk out the back of the building where apparently everyone smokes.

"Here," Harry says and starts to strip from his jacket, leaving him in only a black shirt with a band name on it. I take it without complaining, knowing it'd be futile and I'd rather not argue tonight. My arms are too short for my hands to stick out, so Harry rolled them up a bit for me. As he does, I feel another pair of eyes watching us, and I look around until I find Zayn. He stops looking at us when he knows I've seen, and although I do find it weird, I ignore it and takes another gulp from my drink.

"You said you wanted to get high, right?" Harry asks, digging around in his pockets.

"We can actually do that here?" I ask. It's quite a public place, at the dead end of an alley. The only light provided is from the neon sign above the door we just came from and the moon.

"The guy who owns the place is surprisingly laid back. As long as we're outside, he doesn't care," Harry explains, bring out a joint and a lighter. "Here."

Harry puts the spliff between my lips for me, and my already humming body ignites even more knowing what's to come. Harry flicks the lighter on, producing a flame, and soon lights the end of the joint. I give it a second, like I've seen Harry do, before breathing in the toxins.

It, like the drink, isn't nearly as bad as when I first tried, and I don't cough as it exits my lungs. Harry easily takes it from me to take a hit, leaning next to me on the brick wall. Erynn and Niall are opposite of us, making out heatedly. Harry makes a face which in turn makes me laugh, and reach for the joint.

"So that woman this morning," I direct towards Harry. "She's your dad's girlfriend?"

His lips purse before he inhales and answers. "Amy. Yeah, I guess." I nod in response, bring the smoke back to my lips between my index and middle finger, holding Harry's gaze as I do. He groans, coming closer and puts his hands on either side of my head, bending at the elbow so our chest are touching. "But I do know that I've seen a lot of people smoke before, but never as damn hot as you do."

Heat rushes to my cheeks, making my head spin from the sudden rush.

"What do you want, Rae?" Harry asks, low and raspy.

I blow the smoke in his face. "You," I answer. "I want you to kiss me like you did last night."

And he does, quickly pressing himself against me in every way possible. Immediately there are whistles and shouts of teasing sayings. I don't see him do it, but I know that when Harry's hand is not next to me anymore, his flipping the others off, without detaching himself from me. If it weren't for the drugs and alcohol, I would care about the public surrounding us, but I don't.

"Here," Niall says, finally able to pull our attention away from each other. He tosses Harry a ring of keys ─ and Harry catches them with no problem ─ and says, "Before you start shagging on the wall."

We both understand right away what his purpose was in giving us the keys, and Harry studies me with raised brows. I only return his gaze evenly. "Thank, Niall," Harry says, and throws his arm around my shoulder, leading me away from the group and back inside.

But not before Niall could say something back.

"But don't mess up my leather seats, or I swear, I'll kick your ass, Harry!"

We act as if Niall said nothing at all, making our way through the small alley and out to the front of the club. Harry keeps a firm arm around my waist, deterring any male that dares to look at me. It isn't exactly hard to find Niall's SUV because we followed him here.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2014 ⏰

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