New Year's Eve Eve

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December 30

Rachel Berry and Kurt Hummel bundled up inside their little New York shoe box. The temperature was 5°F outside and the heat was broken in their building and they snuggled up with hot chocolate, electric blankets, and Moulin Rouge. They were on winter break and had returned from their hometowns the previous day. Kurt had been heavily planning a New Year's Eve party with little to no help from Rachel. They couldn't bare the cold so decided to stay inside until tomorrow. Rachel knew that most of the people there were Kurt's friends, that's what working at gets you. She also knew that Kurt's boyfriend, Blaine, had just gotten he's second job on Broadway, which was yet to be announced on New Year's Eve as something to look forward to. He would be joined by main of his cast members and Rachel knew the second they walked in she would know. I mean what dedicated Broadway fan wouldn't.

Rachel was looking at the paused TV screen as Kurt ran to refill their mugs. She tried to think of a way to get out of the New Year's Eve party. Who would wanna be around a bunch of drunken strangers. There was a possibility she could stay in her room all night, but she knew that drunken strangers always seem to find her room. She thought about staying at her friend, Santana's house, but she was mutual friends with both her and Kurt. Quinn would be a good option too, but she was visiting her boyfriend's (Noah "Puck" Puckerman) parents. Quinn had also removed the spare key after the last time she had sneaked in. She claimed it was because Puck, who had just moved in at the time, needed a key though Rachel knew she had given him one months ago. The only other option was a hotel room which she couldn't afford any in New York knowing any affordable hotel room would have been booked months in advance because after all it was New York in the holidays. So after deep thoughts and Kurt's trip to the kitchen she had realized she had nothing to do but go to the party.

"Hey where's the remote?" Kurt asks returning with two full cups of coco. He handed one to Rachel looking at his surroundings for the remote. Rachel held it up as Kurt tucked himself under the several electric blankets that had been laid out.

"So, what time does this party of yours start?" She asks wondering if she could get out by saying her "work" had forced her to come in or something.

"7." She mentally cursed herself and refocused her eyes to the screen.

"Callbacks is coming to cater and bartend."

"You got Callbacks!" She said shocked sitting up.

"Yup!" He says popping the 'p'. "Blaine knows a guy. So there gonna come over and set up so don't be alarmed."

"How does Blaine somehow know everyone?" She asked pausing Moulin Rouge.

"Remember his father owns a big law firm that represent celebrities and his mother starred in a movie with Kristen Stewart."

"Kristen Stewart? Really?'' She asked. Kurt nodding. "Is she a bitch like Tina said?"

"Yeah." He says frowning and nodding.

After hours of singing many musicals, including Funny Girl, they had ordered from the diner because neither of them had any idea of how to cook. As Rachel dug into Alejandro's special made just for her, vegan waffles. He too was a vegan and they both bonded over it and their obsession with Friends. Kurt sipped he's unsweetened iced tea, somehow getting a head start on his New Year's Resolution of going on a diet. He decided to eat a Caesar Salad with a hint of dressing. They talked about the party and Kurt's interesting drama at

Kurt declared himself tired by 10 PM and was asleep 10:15. She hopped into bed around 10:30, but tossed and turned all night. Maybe it was because Rachel got too use to her old bed when she visited Lima. She had read British Vogue twice and had played around on her phone. By midnight she had fallen asleep dreaming of hopeful midnight kiss that wouldn't happen.

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