Chapter 6- Awakening

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Chapter 6: Awakening

Banjo and Akitoki charged at each other with looks of pure hatred towards one another. They started punching each other at incredibly high speeds, vanishing and reappearing at the blink of an eye. I wish I could help Banjo, but my body didn't want to participate.

"Akitoki, I'm going to kill you here and now for your crimes against my people!", Banjo exclaimed.

"If you're so confident in your abilities, come at me. Come at me so I can finally add your name to the list of all the Onikawa that died at my feet!", Akitoki arrogantly laughed. Banjo ran at him at high speed, attempting to do another one of those chaos spheres, but Akitoki vanished, grabbed Banjo by the neck, and slammed him down hard to the ground. I screamed.

"BANJO!! YOU HAVE TO GET UP!!! YOU CAN'T LOSE!" Banjo kicked Akitoki off of him, knocked him into the air, and threw a sphere at him, causing it to explode on contact.

I pumped my fist in celebration as I felt that the nightmare was over. I slowly crawled to my feet and limped towards Banjo, but suddenly, he yelled, "Dixie! Get out of the way! It's not safe!"

I froze when he told me that. When I started looking up at the sky, all I saw was a blood red flash. Akitoki was face-to-face with Banjo and blasted him at point-blank range with a black energy beam. I wanted to scream my lungs out of constricting fear. Banjo wasn't moving at all. My heart started beating faster and faster... The boy that I've had a crush on for the past 4 years could die in front of my eyes...

A burning sensation began stirring deep inside me as my depression over Banjo getting hurt started mixing with the anger and hate I felt towards that demon. Akitoki slowly advanced towards Banjo's limp body as he kept repeating, "You Onikawa as a sad lowly race of inferior bugs." I couldn't take it anymore!

I ran towards Akitoki at an increasing speed, which surprised me because I was always kinda slow. I kicked Akitoki in the neck and shot an energy blast at him to my surprise. Whoa! I exclaimed. I was cloaked in a forest green aura. "My powers...", I silently said. "They have awakened. I can do what Banjo and everyone does now."

"Dammit! The girl's powers are awake now!", Akitoki cursed as he rose to his feet. "I just have to kill you faster now! Goodbye!"

I dodged Akitoki's attack and stabbed him in the arm with my sword, causing him to bleed profusely. "Ahhh!!!!! DAMN YOU WENCH!!!", he screamed.

"You hurt Banjo, you set my city aflame, and tried to kill me", I proudly spoke. "It's payback time!!!" Akitoki and I fought a pitched battle, fighting each other over every part of the city. With every punch I land, the more my powers seep out for me to use against this monster. Somehow he snuck behind my blind spot and blasted me with a blood red sphere, burning my back. I doubled over in pain, my eyes stinging from tears welling up.

"Stupid wench! You caused me enough pain and trouble!", Akitoki said as he spat out blood. "Now I'm going to send you to whatever god you Onikawa scum believe in!" He charged up a large blast in his hand. Banjo screamed for me to move out of the way, but I was too drained to even hear him talk. I closed my eyes and admitted defeat...

Suddenly, I hear Akitoki scream in pain. I opened my eyes and saw that Akitoki was pinned down to the ground by what looked like arrows made from pure lightning. I looked around to see who helped me and I saw a tan skinned boy with long, flowing dreadlocks, violet eyes, and a dead serious expression on his face.

"Leave Dixie alone Akitoki. Me and you are gonna settle this now!" The boy summoned thunderclouds to strike down Akitoki with lightning strikes. Banjo weakly muttered, "HE'S here now? Darn it..." The boy picked me up and asked if I was okay, to which I nodded my head.

"I'm glad you're alright. Now, it's time to get you home." As he and Banjo bickered all the way to my house, all I could think about was everything that happened today and I wondered who this mysterious boy is....

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