Chapter 25-A: Endgame 3: One-Winged Demon

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Chapter 25-A: One-Winged Demon

~play the music throughout~


I exchanged heavy blows with Akitoki, causing everything around us to tremble and quake. I wanted to kill him the same way he killed my grandparents... I wanted his head on my mantel! We kept matching each other blow-for-blow, filling the air with so much energy, the skies began to cloud up.

"We have been fighting for 6 years now, no Blue?", Akitoki said with a smirk. "Every battle we had was epic, titanic even, but this time, all the chips are on my side. The Chaos Force of Power is mine, and when I gain all three piece along with the ethereal Chaos Force, nothing will stop me!"

"How did your filthy hands gain the Chaos Force anyway?", I barked.

"I killed my own people to find it hidden in a cave deep in the rocky regions of this country. The blood of my own is what caused my rise in power and now let me show you!"

The mark of the Chaos Force glowed on the back of his left hand as he was covered in a dark aura. I tried to punch through it, but the aura rebounded and forced me back. The pale blue aura surrounding my body became crimson red as my hate and anger intensified. Then I felt something breaking inside me....


His eyes were blood red and filled with hate. He reeked of the smell of the dead. Was he alive? Was he deceased? I couldn't tell, but he ran at me with the intent to kill me. I braced myself for a fight. We locked each other, repelling each other's attacks.

"What do you want from me? Who are you?", I asked, trying my hardest to hold my ground.

"I'm a part of your great ancestor, Hojo Onikawa. I was the reason he died. I have inhabited many of the great Lords the Onikawa have had, but this is the first I've been in the body of such scum like you", it said condescendingly. It had the form of a reaper with the black cloak and skull head to boot.

"You see Blue, I want full control of you body, so what I need you to do is succumb to the hate, the darkness you have for Akitoki and let me permanently take over...."

"You really think I'm gonna give you MY body? You are sadly mistaken!" I kicked him off of me with a swift kick to the gut and tried to follow up with a bicycle kick, but he grabbed my leg and threw me down. He started choking me and he started whispering in my ear:

"Give in to the hate....Give in to the anger..... Give in to the thoughts of revenge..."


I can feel the love and compassion inside me being choked out by some sinister force inside me... I screamed to the heaven as the darkness took over me. I could feel my eyes grow darker and darker as my power exploded. I charged at Akitoki and we continued our pitched battle into the skies. Lightning began crackling through the skies, almost as if the gods are showing fear of our power.

"Your newfound powers won't save you, low class trash", Akitoki said, increasing his power to match mine. He punched me in the back of my neck, sending me down to the earth at a rapid speed. He fired multiple energy blasts at me, causing me much damage. I could barely recover when Akitoki appeared before me and started kicking me.

"You see you little dirt muncher, you can't beat me! I am the new god of this world! Bow down to my almighty power!", he proclaimed.

The anger intensified inside me as I wanted desperately to kill him where he stood. My body erupted in a huge red aura, stunning him a bit. I knew what was happening; I now had the powers of a devil.


"I'm not gonna let you have my body anymore for any more of your senseless slaughter!" I exclaimed, kicking it off of me. I shoved a chaos sphere down its throat and detonated it, causing to explode and spread chunks of his body everywhere.

"This is my body and nobody can have it!", I said. I can slowly feel myself regaining control of my body, but it reformed and grabbed me in a sleeper hold.

"Damn it! Why don't you stay down like a good dead guy?", I sarcastically asked.

"Death avoids me, for I bring lost souls to it...", it ominously replied. I broke free of his hold, turned around, and we both pierced each other simultaniously.


Akitoki and I fought intensely in the skies above the tower; we kept matching each other's blows with stronger ones. I got behind him and pierced his armor with a chaos sphere then kicked him to the ground. I rapidly descended to kill him with an Ultimate Impact Blast, but suddenly, my body went limp and paralyzed. I fell to the ground with a thud, unable to move or even speak.

"What happened Blue, run out of Chaos Energy?", Akitoki spat, getting up. He walked towards me and began the taunts:

"This was destined to happen. You were born a low class wench while I was born into wealth and power. You tried your whole life to be a hero to your clan, but all that hard work now culminates in your spectacular failure. Good riddance!"

I knew I failed everyone.... Just kill me now. I closed my eyes ready to die, but I heard metal clanking. I opened my eyes and saw Dixie! She saved my life! She turned her head to look at me out of the corner of her eye and she spoke:

"Banjo, you can choose to let yourself be killed here and let all of our hard work go to waste, or you can stand and walk forward. Our families were destroyed by this man, but we didn't cower, we didn't have any doubt. I want to stop the fighting just like you do, but I can't do it without you baby I need your help to end this. You have two feet Banjo. Get up and use them to walk forward. If you decide to lay there and accept defeat and death, then I can't do much for you. But if you choose to get up and move forward, I'll move with you."

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