Chapter 6: Kobra Kid/Mikey

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“There,” Blake said and I looked up to see Blake finished wrapping Gees’ shin.

Gee smiled up at Blake and I bit my lip. Why did he have to risk himself to save me? I had a plan but no, he had to jump in. Sighing, I walked out of the room and headed to Melody’s room. She hasn’t come out since we got back and I was kinda worried. Knocking on the door, I waited for an answer but never got one. Twisting the knob, I slipped in and saw her sprawled out on her bed. She had a drawing pad resting on her stomach and I picked it up, glancing at the picture. It was of Allie. Gently placing the book on the ground, I pulled the covers over Melody’s tiny frame and left the room. I wandered back into the seating area of the Diner and sat down.

“What is happening?” I whispered and glanced up at Steve.

“Mikey, there has been an uproar that you four need to lead,” he said. “I’ve been out here, helping and now, you four need to step up to the name of being the Fabulous Killjoys. Melody will help train you boys. Gerard?”

Gee looked up and stared hard at Steve.

“You have already been given a name. Party Poison,” he continued and Gerard nodded, slowly. “Frank?”

Frank stood up straighter, his eyes glaring with rage.

“Everyone calls you a ghoul, right? So, from now on , you’ll known as Fun Ghoul,” Steve said and Frank smirked. “Ray. You are known as Jet Star. You have been given that name because when you’re on stage, you look like a fighter plan. Cheesy, I know, but it’s true. All the killjoys out in the Zones have concluded with that. Mikey. You are the kid of the band and when you scared, I’ve noticed you tremble with fear. For that, you have been given the name Kobra Kid.”

I nodded and crossed my arms. So now we have different names, this means we can no longer be My Chemical Romance. My fingers itched at the thought and I sighed.

“Wait,” I said and the others looked at me. “Didn’t that bald guy-”

“Korse,” Blake interjected.

“Korse then. Didn’t he say that he thought Party Poison was buffer of something?” I continued and Gee nodded. “So that means we need to muscle up and change our appearances, hair and all, right?”

Steve nodded and I groaned.


I glanced over at Ray and he ran a hand through his hair.

“We need to break into Better Living and destroy huge amounts of equipment to slow them down, but we’re gonna need all the help we can get,” he continued and Steve smiled.

“I can help with that. Blake?”

Blake looked up and caught Steve’s eye. He nodded and grabbed Steve’s wheelchair, leading him out the back.

“Look Alive Sunshine, 109 in the sky and the pigs won’t quit. You’re here with me. Doctor Death Defying,” came Steve’s voice over the radio speakers. “I’ll be your surgeon, your proctor, you helicopter. Pumpin’ out the slaughtermatic sounds to keep you alive. A system failure for the masses, empty matter for the master plan. Louder than God’s revolver and twice as shiny. This one’s for all you rock ‘n’ rollers, all you crash queen and motor babies. Listen up! The future is bulletproof, the aftermath is secondary. It’s time to do it now and do it loud. Killjoys, makes some noise. The Fabulous Killjoys are asking for your help. Come to the diner in Zone Six straight away for a briefing of breaking into Battery City and destroying some of the drugs their making to slow them down. In two days, we head out.”

He rolled back into the front area and smiled.

“Now all we have to do is wait for the other killjoys to come, but first, we need to change your hair colours and styles,” he said, his eyes sparkling.

'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Mega sorry for the shortness but i thought it would be a filler for what happens next. I kinda need the real reason's how they got their killjoy names but hey, if you find out how, please let me know so i can change it.





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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2012 ⏰

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