The Idea

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A/N- This story is dedicated to ilovetoship123 who came up with the plot.

Your brother drops you off, out in front of your school. Today is the first day of your senior year at Grand Line High, and you couldn't be happier.

"Oi, (y/n)-ya?"

You turn and bend down to look back at your brother who has an annoyed look on his face.

"Yes, Law?" You roll your eyes.

"I love you and will be here to pick you up after school."

You roll your eyes again "Whatever."

Law sighs "I'll see you later (y/n)-ya."

Law pulls out of the parking lot and into traffic. You watch as his car disappears, then let out a groan of defeat.

"It's only the first day, and your already that down?"

You turn to see your bestfriend standing behind you with a questioning look.

"Oh hey Sabo!" You say with a sad tone.

"Wow (y/n), what's gotten you so down this morning?" Koala asks, joining you two.

"It's just that it's senior year and... ugh nevermind it's stupid."

"(Y/n), is this about him again?" Sabo sighs.

Your face heats up and you turn bright red.

"I think that's a yes" Koala giggles. "I think it's cute that she's had a crush on Ace for so long. A lot of girls would have moved on by now. It's been what 3 years now." She brings her hand to her chin as she thinks.

"I-I... ya... I've liked him since I first met him my freshmen year when me and Sabo first started hanging out."

Your face is a deep shade of red as you recall your feelings for the freckled boy.

"I'd say it's more like looooove" Koala emphasizes the word love, which makes Sabo blush as well.

"S-Shut up Koala!"

"Hey guys let's compare class schedules to see if we are in any of the same classes this year.

You all retrieve your schedules, and start reading off, what you got.

You have all the same classes as Sabo, except for English. You only had Government and Trigonometry with Koala.

You sigh "Well at least I'll only be alone for one class this year."

The bell rings, signaling the start of school. You say bye to Koala, as you won't see her till second period.

She pecks Sabos lips before running off in search of her first class.

"Well (y/n), I guess it's just us."

"Yay" you say with as little enthusiasm as possible.

Sabo chuckles "Lets go" you hook arms with your bestfriend and head to Economics class.

There's no assigned seating in this class, so you and Sabo grab two seats, next to eachother.

You put your bag down and smile at Sabo as you start to ask about Ace.

"So Sabo, are you gonna help me or not?"

Sabo sighs "I wish I could, but Ace does what he wants to, and anytime I have talked to him about girls he just says he's not interested."

You frown "Maby I'm just not ment to be with him then!"

"Be with who?" A voice asks from behind you.

Burning Desire {Portgas D Ace X Reader} AUWhere stories live. Discover now