Chapter 1: Where did it go wrong?

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Emily, a short girl, with dark hair and crystal blue eyes was in her bright sky blue bedroom at her Black timber desk, she was writing an essay for her English class, she had to do a full 1000-word review of the book Romeo and Juliet. She thought the book was cliché and told over one hundred times, she wanted something more interesting but obviously, her teachers didnt care, right? She wrote the report, and was trying not to go over one thousand words because the last time she went over the limited amount, her teacher failed her. She turned her red lamp off and went to lie down on her bed of silk. She was asleep within seconds of her head hitting the pillow. It was clear that Emily was exhausted when she didnt wake up to any of her 12 alarms set from 6:00am till 7:30am.

Emily got out of bed and went for a steaming hot shower to try and wake her up so that she would be able to concentrate during class.

When Emily got to school the usual snarky comments from everyone except her best friend Lola. Lola was a tall girl with mousy blonde hair and a tan complexion, she had dark brown eyes and the only sense of humour that mattered to Emily, she hated school, everyone treated like shit and no-one except Lola cared about her. Not even her teachers which astounded her seeing as they were supposed to be there to help you learn. Lola was in tenth grade, same as Emily, they also had all the same classes together. Lola however was extremely popular, everyone loved her and no one understood why she was always with Emily, but Lola didnt care about what anyone else had to say of her friendships, they would always be best friends.

Emily and Lola got to their first class and handed in their assignments, Emily wrote 1001 words, because she simply could not find one more word to take out, she thought it would ruin it if she did, so she explained this to the teacher and got a blank look in return.
Right, now for the results of your tests from last week Mrs Hagerman said in a loud and harsh voice. Most of you did extremely well on your tests and have no worries about your final exams in 3 weeks, however some of you.. Mrs Hagerman stops talking, and looks directly at Lola and Emily Some of you, should study hard if you even want to think youre going to pass the exams. All of you, now start on your textbooks on page 394, I am going to mark your essays. You have 90 minutes to do as much as you can
Mrs Hagerman put her head down and began marking essays, whilst the class started working on their textbooks. How do you think you did with your essay? Emily whispers to Lola to which she replies, also whispering I honestly have no idea, I didnt get 1000 words, I only got up to 997, so I hope she still passes me or at least gives me a decent grade on it Emily shrugged her shoulders Who knows with her, I went over again but only by literally 1 word, so lets see if she fails me for it like every other time Both girls started doing their textbook work and 90 minutes later Mrs Hagerman gave back the marked essays and told everyone that they did a good job. Emily was surprised with her results, she got a B+ and there was a note at the end saying Congratulations for finally managing to keep the limited amount of words bar 1, the report was excellent and thorough, I am impressed

Emily went on with her day and everything was normal. Her and Lola went to all their classes and at lunch they went to the big mall in the centre of the city, all they got was coffee, and they had a cigarette, then went back to school and continued with all of their classes until she got a call from her brother telling her that she needed to come home immediately because there had been an accident, she asked what had happened but they said they could not tell her over the phone, and she must come home right away. She got in her car and drive home as fast as the speed limit and traffic would allow her too.

When she got home, everyone looked had a look far worse than sad on their faces... Lola had come with her because she and Emilys family were also very close as the girls had known each-other since preschool. Her mother walked over to her whilst her brother sad in the chair with his head hung low, and a look of non-belief on his face. Your father has passed away Emily There was silence for about 1 whole minutes, but to Emily that minute felt like a lifetime because all the memories she had of her father had rushed through her mind like a hurricane. Lola ran over to her and caught Emily as she fell to her knees.

The she screamed in pure agony.

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