Dream Jumping (5)

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-Yoongi's POV-

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-Yoongi's POV-

Jin hyung and Jungkook pretty much explained to me what happened.

I said I understood and went back to bed.

As soon as my head hit my pillow, I was in dream land.

I sighed as I sat down.

"Yo." Someone says behind me.

I turn around.

I see myself who looks older and another Jungkook holding me #2 on the shoulder.

"This gets tiring after 3 nights..." Jungkook #2 complains to Me #2.

"Stop complaining Jungkook." Me #2 ruffles Jungkook #2's hair.

Suddenly Me #2 gave me a tube.

"Jin hyung and Jungkook told you about this 'dream' right?" Me #2 asks me laughing.

I nod taking the tube from him.

"Well that's good, I'll give you a tip as to what your power is, it's super fun and you get to know more secrets." He wiggles his eyebrows.

I don't say anything and just stare at him....Um....Myself....

"Don't cringe. Your going to be me in a few years." My otherself sighs.

I laugh.

"Hey, are you laughing at your own suffering?" My otherself says in disbelief.

"Hurry it up." Jungkook mutters, panting.

I roll my eyes.

"Seems like Jungkook becomes rude." I say.

It was now my otherself's turn to laugh.

"No, he's just in a bad mood because we didn't give him his plushies." He says.

I tilt my head in confusion.

"Oh, sorry. You weren't supposed to know that yet. Well, just drink." He says.

I nod and gulp down the liquid, pretty soon white light engulfs me. Just like Jin hyung said.

I shoot up from my bed, panting and out of breath.

When I shot up quickly, some books from my shelf fell down, causing a loud noise.

"What the heck?!" Jin hyung and Jungkook bursts through the doors.

As soon as they see my state, they smile.

"Catch your breath quickly, I want to know what you do." Jin hyung smiles.

I quickly caught my breath.

"So?" Jin hyung asks.

"So what?" I ask.

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