why Erika? ??

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Jake - Erika what are you doing?

Erika- Im sorry *crying*

*jake is hugging Erika and they are sitting on the floor*

Jake- why did you run away?

Erika- b-because

Jake-Erika come on tell me

Erika-because Chance Raped me
*cries even harder*

Jake- how do know?

Erika-because when he was raping me he said "you know you like me" and he said the exact same thing to Alex the same voice in the same way Jake

Jake-Oh my god, lets go home ok


They walk back to hall and chance says

Chance- Hey Erika can i talk you alone?

Erika- no

Then chance takes Erika by the arm

Jake- Chance how do you go thru life knowing that you raped Erika?

Chance- Are you accusing me of rape?

Jake- yeah yes i am because chance you did rape her i was there you wouldn't stop even though i told you to

Chance- its not my fault Erika wanted me Jake

Erika starts crying really hard and tessa goes and hugs her

Jake- she didn't want you Jake

Just then chance punches Jake and jake starts punchib him back

Erika- stop

Anthony,chad,Kade,Nathan get jake off him and then

Jake- Erika lets get you home

He takes Erika by the hand

Erika- your bleeding

Jake- yeah

Erika- im sorry Jake

Jake- what for?

Erika- everything

Jake- its ok

Erika-  i have to talk to my brother about yesterday


Erika- i was hoping you could come with me


Erika- you don't have to

Jake-but i want to

Erika smiles at him

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