Where's Sutton?

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Jake POV

I told Erika i like her and she kissed me i was so happy

Jake and Erika forheads were touching

Erika- i like you too

Jake- im so sorry Erika i feel really bad because of what i did i don't deserve for you to have feelings for me

Erika- and i forgive you ok don't beat your self up.

Jake-thanks Erika will you be my girlfriend?

Erika- yes Jake, can you please stay the night

Jake- i have to

Erika- why?

Jake- your brother said i have to take care of you while he is gone

Erika- ok

Jake- Erika come one i have to go get clothing and you have to go because i can leave you here alone

Erika- fine

They get to jakes house and logan was there

Logan- hey jake oh hey i didn't get to meet you but i hope you feel better and Chance is a dick i can't believe he said and did all of that

Erika- thanks

Jake and Erika head up to his room he gets clothes and go back to Erika

Erika- well make your self comfortable

(Btw they are in Erikas Room)

Erika-im going to go change and you can change in my closet

Jake- ok

Erika comes out with her robe on

Jake- umm Erika

Erika- oh sorry i sleep in my bra and underwear but im going to sleep with my robe on but if you don't feel comfortable i could change

Jake- what ever you want to do

Erika- well if Jc comes im going to get in trouble sooo imma change

Erika is wearing a croped sweater with booty shorts

They watch a movie and Erika fell asleep and jake turned off the tv and fell asleep with Erika Jc came and saw

Jc Pov
I was pist i went for a drive then came home and didn't see Jake on th couch soo i went to go check Erika room bcs i know ahe sleep in bra and underwear and i was about to get mad when Erika moved and saw she was wearing clothing on so i went to sleep

Erika pov
I woke up took a shower got ready and woke up Jake he took a shower and got ready and we left Jc tooks us to school because he wanted to

Erika- thxs Jc and please go hqqome dont do anything stuiped ok

Jc- ok ok

Jake Pov
I could tell Jc was going to do something but i ignored him and we got off and Chance was being a dick and Jc saw

Chance-wow first you get with me and know your with Jake

Jake Pov
Jc saw so i took Erika inside and then i see Jc park the car

Jake-  hey Erika you ok

Erika- yeah

Jake- oh no

Erika turns around

Erika- oh no

Jc- where is Sutton Jc yells

Everyone just points to chance and Jc walks up to him and pushes him against the locker

Jc- so you think you can rape my sister and then call her a slut ?


Jc- don't be a bitch speak what your sacred of me you should be scared of raping women not of me Sutton so come one stop being a bitch and FUCKING speak

Chance- i dont have to tell you shit

Jc- oh ok you cunt

Then chance punches Jc

Erika- fuck

Jcs the punches chance and Jake and Erika go over there and try to stol them

Erika- Jc stop stop

Then Jake get the off each other and chance grabs Erika by the arm and says

Chance- its not my fault your sister is a SLUT

JC- don't talk about my sister like that

Then Jc punches chance and the fight

Erika runs away and Jake gets jc off chance and runs they both ram after her

Jc- why are we going

Jake- to Erika


Jake- you don't know?

Jc- know what?

Jake- its not my place to tell you ok stay here

Jake- Erika please dont

Erika- jake i dont want to be here every one thinks im a slut -

Jake- Erika but i love you and you love me isn't that all that matters

Erika- your right
Guys hope you like

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