He develops an attitude

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Calvin had woken up early this morning with a bit of a temperature so he wasn't in a great mood. You left jack still in bed and took calvin downstairs and placed him into his high chair.

You were waiting for the porridge you made for him to cool so you poured him a drink of fresh orange and took the bowl and the drink over to him and placed it in front of him.

You walked back over to the counter to collect the calpol you'd gotten out to give him to try and make him feel better when you'd noticed he'd spread all his bowl of porridge over himself and his highchair.

"Calvin, sweet boy, let's not do that please," you said sternly but he chose to carry on and take no notice of you. "Calvin," he still carried on. You placed the calpol back on the counter and walked over to where he was in his highchair and removed the spoon out of his hand and took the bowl of porridge away. He screamed in protest but you ignored him and put the bowl in the sink.

"What is going on in here?," jack came in and said rubbing his eyes half asleep.

"Our son is developing quite an attitude, he isn't feeling too good this morning so that might explain it," you sighed and went over to clean the porridge off his seat.

At this point Calvin was screaming in tears, whether that was from him feeling poorly or he was upset at the fact I took away his porridge I don't know.

Calvin was holding his arms out pointing towards jack asking for him to be picked up so he walked over to his son and removed him from the chair.

Calvin snuggled his head straight into jacks neck and sighed in frustration. Jack just rested his hand on his sons back and his other arm was underneath his legs to keep him supported.

"He's burning up," jack said worryingly and you nodded in agreement.

"I know, he's teething, it happens to all young toddlers, I've given him some calpol but it looks like all he really wanted was his daddy" you smiled and tilted your head towards your son.

He had fallen asleep on jack, he needed some sleep and you were hoping he'd wake up feeling a lot better later on. Jack smiled sympathetically at you.

"Right, I'll go and put him in our bed and then I'll need to get dressed and go, Gilinsky will be here soon to collect me,"

You nodded in agreement and Jack left upstairs.

Just as you finished off cleaning in the kitchen Jack came down, dressed smartly.

"Right, Gilinsky is here waiting in his car outside. I'll see you in a couple hours. I won't be long babe I promise. I love you. He's fast asleep in our bed, he shouldn't wake up yet."

"Thankyou gorgeous, he was being a pain this morning, and all he really wanted was his daddy's cuddles," he smiled at you and walked towards you to kiss your lips, you deepened the kiss but he pulled away and you looked to the floor and sighed sadly.

He put his finger under your chin and lifted your head so you were looking into his eyes.

"Later. Babe I promise." He winked and you smiled at him.

"I love you, I'll see you later." You kissed him again.

"See you later beautiful," he winked at you and bit his bottom lip. He knew that made you want him more, he wanted to frustrate you.

"Bye mr grey," you winked and smacked his bum as he left the kitchen and left. It was like Calvin knew his dad had gone, you heard wailing from upstairs.

You made your way upstairs and saw Calvin bundled in your luxury duvet sat up in your king sized bed.

You walked over to him and smiled sympathetically. His little cheeks were rosy red and he was still warm.

"Me sick mumma, I want daddy," he said. You got in the bed with him and cuddled him into your side.

"It's okay baby boy, mummas here, it's just you and me for a while so let's go downstairs now and try and get some food for you to eat and you can have more medicine." He agreed in and grabbed your hand.

You walked back downstairs with him and placed him back into his highchair which is now clean. You made him a fresh batch of porridge and this time to avoid any mess being made you were going to feed him the porridge.

You'd made the porridge and sat down in front of Calvin. You kept trying to feed him, but every time you went to put the spoon into his mouth he just turned his face to the side and laughed every time.

"Calvin Johnson, open your mouth right now, stop this," you said and he stared at you with wide eyes, he looked shocked. He then opened his mouth and let you feed him the porridge.

How did he figure out that you were being serious from using his full name.

Jack finally arrived home, 2 hours later. You and him were cuddling on the sofa watching Calvin sat on the floor playing with his Toddler proof Lego set.

Because he wasn't feeling to well he really needed attention today, when he noticed your eyes or jacks eyes weren't on him he threw a piece of his Lego and it hit your chest.

You didn't react, instead you slipped from jacks arms and went and sat with your son.

"Why don't we try and build something with them, yeah?," Calvin smiled and obviously approved your idea and was glad you were playing with him.

With your help and guidance , you both managed to build something within a couple of minutes. You weren't exactly sure what it was but Calvin was really pleased with it so you just went along with everything.

"Dada! Dada! Mumma and calvin did!" He screamed happily, you smiled. He was showing jack what you both had built together.

Jack look at Calvin with his mouth open and wide eyes whilst looking out our creation.

"Wow! That's so cool! Aren't both of my babies so clever," he said and I winked.

Calvin jiggered around obviously very happy his dad approved of our creation.

Out of no where jack got up from the sofa and scooped Calvin up from the floor into his arms.

"Right come on son, it's nap time," he said and carried on out of the living room straight upstairs.

"I NOT TIRED DADA, NO NAP TIME NO!," Calvin protested loudly and you sighed.

Suddenly you realised why jack has just done what he's done, Calvin didn't need a nap yet, jacks baby fever was just really high.

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