Sickness bug

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You were awake most of the night with Calvin, he woke you up at around 2:00am crying out for you from his bedroom, when you got in there he was clutching at his stomach. You knew yesterday that he was probably coming down with something as he was refusing to eat any food or drink you put in front of him. All he managed to eat yesterday was half an apple an a sip of his favourite orange smoothie. You were awoken by a small whimper beside you. Last night you were worried about Calvin so when you finally got him to sleep you kept him in between you and jack incase he was to wake up again.

You turned onto your other other side to face Calvin, his usual olive coloured skin looked really pale and he looked really ill.

"Hey my little poorly boy, how you feeling?" You asked and he didn't speak a word, he just shook his head and tears started to leak out. You pulled him into your chest and kissed him lightly. He was uncontrollably sobbing. "Sweetie, we're going to get you sorted out and feeling better don't worry. Ok?" Calvin nodded against you chest and you shook jack to wake him up.

"Jack, wake up. Calvin really needs to get to the doctors, he's not good," as soon as you said this he shot out of bed.

"We will leave in 10 minutes," you got up out of bed, leaving on jacks side as you didn't want to move Calvin just yet as he was laying quietly. You walked into your wardrobe and grabbed clothes and put them on and threw your hair up in a bun, you didn't have enough time to put on any makeup. You'd finished getting ready and you walked out of your wardrobe into your room, you watched Calvin sit up fast and before you could do anything or say anything it happened. The apple and orange smoothie he had all came back up and all over your bed. He started to dry heave as his stomach was empty and you just sat next to him and took him into your arms.

"You're okay darling, Mumma is here," you cradled him into your arms tightly and he sobbed into your chest. You hated seeing him like this so to comfort him you stroked the top of his head, kissing him now and again whispering soothing words to him. You knew that more than likely he had a stomach bug and that was it but just to be sure you still wanted to take him to the doctors to be checked properly.

"Sorry Mumma, I did that to your bed," he looked sad and you just shook your head and smiled.

"Don't be silly baby, Mumma can clean up,"


"Hi, I called about getting my son an appointment earlier, you said you could fit him in at 12:30pm?" Jack said to the receptionist with Calvin in his arms and she nodded smiling.

"Of course, Dr Jerome will be out in a minute for you," you and jack nodded and walked to take a seat.

"Mumma," Calvin said quietly reaching his arms out to you. You took him from jack and sat quietly, you kissed his head lightly and then he reached back to jack saying "daddy".

The doctor came out and shouted his name and guided you to the examination room, jack following closely behind.


"Okay little Calvin, I'm going to see how hot or cold you are okay?" Dr Jerome said to Calvin and he nodded unsurely in jacks arms as he had switched again. He put the thermometer into his ear and waited for the beep to take it out. Jack was whispering into his ear to keep him from getting upset with the doctor sticking things in his ear.

"Right, he does have a high temperature but I wouldn't worry to much as he simply just has a stomach bug. I'll prescribe you with medicine to stop the nausea for him. It should pass but to stay on the safe side I'll also prescribe you with antibiotics to help clear it quicker. Also you need to make sure he is eating at least 3 snacks a day and is drinking plenty, it should be flushed out of him within 3 days," he said whilst typing away on his computer and printing your prescription out for him. Jack looked over at you and sighed in relief.

You took the prescription from the doctor and smiled thankfully. "I hope you get better soon Calvin," the doctor said, Calvin just looked over jacks shoulder and nodded shyly.

"Tanks," he said, you smiled at your son and his manners. You went straight to the pharmacy on your way home and collected all his medicines.

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