Chapter Five

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Hailey lay awake on the couch. Ashton’s soft snores came from the bed. She looked over at him, for the tenth time that night, and glared. Hailey hoped that with each glare, Ashton would wake and burst into flames by the heat of her stare. Sadly, each time never worked.

She tossed and turned, though, space was limited. After ten minutes of nothing, Hailey sat up and groaned. She looked over at Ashton once again. Hailey got up, fixed her shirt, which was Ashton’s since she can’t sleep with jean pants, and crawled under the covers of the bed

The comfort of the sheet engulfed Hailey; she let out a sigh of happiness. Ashton, who woke up slightly by the bed moving, he was a light sleeper, watched Hailey. He had felt bad before he went to sleep. They had made a bet; whoever lost had to sleep on the couch. Of course, he had won, though, he knew he would.

Ashton subconsciously, Hailey thought, moved closer and wrapped an arm around Hailey’s waist. Ashton smiled as he felt Hailey snuggle against his chest, and let out a little sigh, that tickled his bare chest.

Hailey laid her small hands on Ashton’s stomach toward the sides, and then continued to bury her face in his neck. Their feet entwined. Both had smiles on their faces as they drifted off to sleep.

The morning came sooner than they would have liked. Ashton awoke first. He and Hailey still lay in the same position as they had last night, although, Hailey leaned into him, which caused him to go on his back.

Hailey woke up five minutes after Ashton. She, though, got up and went to the restroom. When her shower was done, it was Ashton’s turn next. After all preparations were done, they had the keys and walked down the hall.

They both hoped Stacy and James were ready and waiting. Once upon the door, Hailey held her fist up and knocked. Two seconds later James opened the door. Stacy was right behind him. As they hoped, Stacy and James were ready.

Downstairs in the lobby, Stacy returned the keys with James. Ashton and Hailey stood awkwardly by the door. Each time someone came they had to step towards the wall not to be in the way.

Stacy came back with a bagel in her hand with cream cheese on top. “Ready to go?” she asked. Outside, and in the car, James was in the driver seat with Stacy beside him. Ashton and Hailey were riding in the back; both were staring out the window.

“So, what’s up?” Ashton asked Hailey. Five minutes into the ride and he was already bored. Hailey turned her head and looked at him; however, his head was turned to James and Stacy. James looked in the rear view mirror. Ashton smirked at his friend, and then turned his head to his wife.

Hailey looked at him, shrugged and then turned her head to stare out the window again. He narrowed his eyes towards her and started to poke her. Each time his finger touched her, Hailey ignored it. Ashton poked harder and harder; he tried to make her look at him.

Stacy turned her head back and stared at Ashton and Hailey. A smile of amusement spread across her face. Ashton now left his finger touched her longer. Hailey did her best to ignore it, but it was starting to hurt and it was just plain uncomfortable. He knew it was getting annoying and he did for a full ten minutes.

Hailey sat annoyed in her seat and chewed her bottom lip angrily. The next time James stopped at a red light, Hailey attacked him. She sat on his lap, straddling him, grabbed his wrist and shoved them behind the back of the seat.

She glared down at him while he looked her with wide eyes. “What the hell, Hailey!?” Ashton shouted at her. Hailey dug her nails into his wrist, which made him whimper slightly.

“You needed to stop freakin’ poking me.” Hailey said lowly. Ashton struggled, but failed and only making his arms hurts more.

“You wouldn’t look at me.” Ashton grunted. He put his feet on the back of Stacy’s seat, causing his knees to touch Hailey’s back. Their chest almost met. The green light shined and James sped up forward. Hailey fell onto Ashton chest with an hmpf.

Ashton toke advantage of her loosened grip and tired to bring his arms back around. It didn’t work. Nothing worked. Hailey was still on his chest with his wrist in her hands. They were so close; they didn’t know where their body’s started.

Hailey lifted her head and Ashton pushed his back. Staring into her eyes, Ashton thought of an idea. He leaned forward. When their lips were barely centimeters away, Hailey leaned the rest way. Sparks flew through them. The kiss turned to a heated make out session. Distracted, Hailey let go of Ashton hands. She wrapped her around his neck and he wrapped his around her waist.

Up front, James saw the confrontation. He nudged Stacy and nodded in the direction of Ashton and Hailey. Stacy turned and pointed to a McDonalds. James pulled.

“Guys, if you were going to do that you should’ve done it before we left. We’re going to be outside the car before anything happens while I’m here.” James said. Ashton responded with a small wave of his hand.

Hailey knew what she was doing. She moved her lips to his neck. She sucked and nibbled on the flesh there. Her hands trailed down to his chest. She could feel his hard muscles under the thin shirt. Shifting her weight to one knee, Hailey slightly lifted her body. Her other knee skimmed the top of his lap and got closer and closer to her target.

With a quick motion of her knee, Ashton felt the pain all the way to his stomach. Hailey opened the door and stumbled out. James was standing there with Stacy, sweet talking to each other. Hailey stood upright.

“I’m hungry. Come with me Stacy.” She walked in with Stacy behind her.

James looked in the door and saw his friend curled in a ball while holding his crotch. He laughed and leaned against the door. Then, he said, “That’s what you get.” Ashton looked at him and glared.

“You always get caught up.” James added after a few minute. Ashton ignored him. He thought Hailey was actually having a good time. He knew he was.

Inside, Hailey was waiting in line looking at the menu. Stacy was laughing the time they were there. Many times Hailey had told her shut up. Though, she never did. It now their turn to order, Stacy ordered something for everybody. After the drinks were filled with soda and one sprite, which was for Ashton since Hailey knew he wouldn’t drink coke, they waited for the food.

“You’re so mean, why didn’t you want to get anything for Ashton?” Stacy asked.

Hailey shrugged. “He was being not nice.” She stated.

“You were kissing him, too! Why did you get Sprite?” She asked. Hailey shrugged once again. “It is his favorite and he doesn’t really coke.” Hailey said looking towards the kitchen area.

Their order was called next. Hailey went up to get it. They guy who gave her the food smiled and lightly touched her hand with his. She smiled back politely and was about to walk away, but before she turned the guy gave her a scratched piece of paper. Hailey looked at him then the paper, it was his number.

Stacy looked at her with questioning eyes when she returned and they were walking out the door. Hailey showed her the paper. Stacy was still laughing by the time they reached the car.

James got out from the back seat and helped Stacy with the drinks. Everybody decided to eat in the parking lot in the car. The drinks were handed first, and the food.

“Oh! Who got me Sprite?” Ashton said taking a sip. Stacy told him that Hailey did. “Aww thanks, Babe.” Ashton told her. Hailey stopped from taking a bite from her soda and looked at Ashton.

“Babe?” She questioned him. He looked from his fries and nodded his head slowly. Hailey decided to let it go. She wouldn’t get her answer from anytime soon. Ten minutes later, everybody was enjoying their meals and was talking aimlessly.

“What is this?” Ashton asked to nobody in particular. He reached over and grabbed the scratch piece of a paper the guy had gave Hailey. “A number...” He mumbled.

Hailey tried to reach for it and snatch it from him. Stacy looked back. “Oh, that’s the number the guy gave you, right Hailey?” She said looking at Hailey. She sighed and nodded in defeat. Ashton looked at Hailey a little longer before he brought his phone out.

“What are you doing?” Hailey asked Ashton cautiously. Everybody in the car had gone silent.

“I am going to call him.” He stated simply. James, Stacy and Hailey watched him as he dialed the number.

“Why?” It was James who asked. Ashton looked at him, and then turned back to Hailey.

“Because I have something to say.” He said while pressing send. Breaths were held as the phone rang.

“Hello?” Was heard on the other side of the line.

“Why hello there.” Ashton said smirking.

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