2 - Dorm mates

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"The room stinks," Velvet complained, "and it's too small for five jammers! However would we fit?"

"Aww Velvet," Forest chirped while checking the view out "don't be so pessimistic! The smell will go away soon, and the five of us will be all nice and cozy up here in room 116. The view is beautiful!"

Velvet continued to look annoyed as Their three other dorm mates came into the room. One was a tall arctic wolf with long lush fur who looked slightly intimidating and two were almost matching coyotes who Forest instantly judged to be twins. Forest instantly walked over to them and greeted them like old friends and in no time, they had all hit it off. Even Velvet joined the conversation reluctantly, at Forest's request. The arctic wolf was named Infinity, and she had come from Shiveer junior, and the two coyotes were twins. Snowflake had dark grey fur, and sparkle had light grey fur. They had both come from the Canyon school of art and science.

Even Velvet had to admit that learning about others cultures and life was interesting.

"So," Forest said after a while " we need to work out who gets which bed and stuff like that. We also need a dorm monitor."

Snowflake nodded. " why don't we all call dibs on the bed we want, and try our best to give each of us what we want?"

"Sounds good!" Sparkle nodded

Soon, they had each chosen a bed. Infinity was by the mirror, where she could groom her luxurious fur.Snowflake was on the top bunk, where she could feel cooler from the fan, with Sparkle right next to her. That left Velvet with the bottom bunk by the window and Forest right above her. This had taken so long that each girl had barely made their respective beds before their hall supervisor poked her head in to welcome the girls.

"Hello, girls!" She chirped " Are you settling in well lovelies? Do you need any help?"

The ever social Forrest instantly introduced herself to the supervisor, and it was clear that they were an instant hit. While the two of them chatted animatedly, the rest of the girls shuffled around, tidying their things away and personalizing the room, apart from Infinity, who had started curling her fur.

By mid-afternoon, all four of the roommates had unpacked and contributed to decorating the room. Forest had given out bright cushions to add more color to the room, Velvet had brought mood lighting, snowflake had added books to the bookshelf, sparkle had pinned up photos of Mira, Zios, the alphas and various other people known all across Jamaa. And last but not least, infinity had added to the dresser enough makeup and accessories to last one jammer a lifetime.

Snowflake quickly checked her welcome pack. " Guys, I'm feeling rather hungry, do you want to pop down to the cafeteria for a quick snack?" Everyone seemed to like this idea, so off they went.

"Oh no..." Velvet moaned "we're going to be stuck here forever! The school is so darn big."

Sparkle shushed her "Be quiet! Snowflake is reading the map."

While the four of them were waiting for snowflake to find their way, they spotted three sixth year jammers walking down the corridor towards them. Three sixth year jammers that just happened to be Aparri, Julian2, and Wisteriamoon. Infinity's jaw dropped, Velvet freaked out, snowflake dropped her map and Forest walked over to the three of them to introduce herself.

"Hi Aparri, Julian, Wisteria, I'm Forest and I'm a very big fan of you guys! It's so cool to be able to see and talk to you in person!" Forest smiled.

The three famous jammers looked slightly taken aback that Forest was brave enough to come straight up to them and introduce herself. Wisteria was the first to recover. "Hey Forest, it's really nice to meet you! Welcome to The Jamaa academy!"

"Thank you so much," Forest grinned " I really can't believe I'm meeting you!"

Julian and Aparri gave shy smiles, and Forest wanted to laugh. Julian and Aparri - shy!!??

"Umm," Forest hesitated nervously "my friends and I are kinda lost, we're first years, as you can see. Could you possibly point us towards the cafeteria?"

"Oh, we were just about to go there! Why don't you come with us?" Aparri said.

"Awesome! Thanks so much! By the way, these are my friends' Velvet, Sparkle, Snowflake, and Infinity."


I know that Julian2 has quit animal jam, so please don't attack me :c but Julian, to me, will always be considered a big part of the animal jam community. So, thank you for reading, and please help me by pointing out any errors/ improvements that could make the story more enjoyable! Happy reading!

~ The author 

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