4 - Hall meeting!

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"That," Snowflake choked "was AWESOME"

Even Velvet cracked a smile. "Nice save."

As the girls laughed, Infinity scooted towards Forest and whispered "Thanks, Forest. It was really nice of you to do that."

Forest smiled. "I'd do anything for my friends."

And with those simple words, Infinity felt her heart soar towards the heavens. She had a friend who cared for her and would help her.

Suddenly, a loud voice tore through the room, coming from the loudspeakers. " HALL 11 MEETING. OUTSIDE, NOW!"

Velvet winced "Do they have to be so loud?"

Snowflake nodded "We're not deaf!"

The five friends trooped out of room 116 and towards the floor 11 common room. As they entered the room, they saw a flurry of movement, and would be lost within the confusion if not for a golden-furred cheetah.

"Hey guys," He greeted "I'm Gold, you must be Forest, Infinity, Velvet, Sparkle, and Snowflake."

Sparkle frowned. "How do you know all our names?"

"Oh sorry," Gold flushed "I totally forgot to introduce myself. I am Gold, and I will be in charge of helping the five of you during your time at The Jamaa academy. If you need any assistance, I'm the one to talk to."

"Nice to meet you Gold," Forest chirped " Could we please have your assistance? We don't know where to go!"

"See those chairs over there?" He asked, gesturing towards them "Go make yourself comfortable, we still have a few things to sort out before the Academic year starts."

The five girls made their way to the chairs and sat down. However, it wasn't long until Forest got up again, to socialize with others. When the hall supervisor finally called for attention, everyone in the common room knew Forest's name!

"Hey everybody! I'm lucky, you're hall supervisor." The goat chirped "I, on behalf of everyone else here today, would like to welcome you to the jamaa academy. But, before we begin, we must sort out a few things. Now, traditionally, each dorm is named after a certain Alpha. This year, for our ten dorms, we have the following Alphas." Lucky gestured to a massive poster on the wall. Velvet eagerly scanned the list.

It read:

Dorms 110 - 120 may choose from the following Alphas to lead them training groups and help them choose their future wisely.

Felicity the Lynx Alpha

Avalon the Owl Alpha

Greely the Wolf Alpha

Tavie the Dolphin Alpha

Amelia the Fox Alpha

Jade the Snow leopard Alpha

Sigurd the Deer Alpha

Aurora the Arctic fox Alpha

Perry the Falcon Alpha

Calypso the Shark Alpha

Each training group will be assigned an Alpha at their first training session.

Excited babbling broke out, and Lucky had to call for order again. "Guys!" The poor goat yelled " As you have probably already worked out, your training groups are your dorm groups. Now..." She trailed off as she realized she wouldn't be able to have any control over the excited first years. "DISMISSED." She shouted.

The students filed out of the common room, except for Forest and her friends. "I really hope Avalon will be out Training group leader!" Snowflake exclaimed as she sunk into an armchair. "Avalon is so smart and witty!"

"I hope Jade will be our Alpha," Infinity said, " She is always so respected and keeps a wonderful public image!"

"I honestly prefer Felicity," Sparkle piped "She is so wonderfully talented! I absolutely love watching her vlogs."

Forest frowned. "I can't choose my favorite! They are all so amazing in each of their own ways!"

Velvet patted her back. "I'm sure they will all be awesome! I can't wait until we do training!"

"Who do you like?" Infinity asked.

Velvet blushed. "Greely has always been my childhood hero. He's always so calm, collected, and always has a strong motive."

The five Jammers lazed and enjoyed their first day at The Jamaa academy. At lights out, everyone was so exhausted that they fell asleep immediately. However, Velvet couldn't sleep. She reached over and nudged Forest, who seemed like She was awake as well.

Forest turned over. "I don't want this day to end." She sighed. "It's perfect here."

Velvet wriggled over, and pulled Forest into a hug. And slowly, they drifted off.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~This chapter was shorter than usual, sorry! I had a lot of complications, what with school starting and midterms and parents, stuff like that. As usual, please help me point and mistakes out, vote, comment, share and all that stuff. By the way, I think I only have 5 readers, so please do me a favor and share this story with all your friends!

~The author

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2018 ⏰

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