Episode two: Waking up is a drag

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"Main character of the 26th generation, I ask upon thee for help." 

A mystery figure has enter my dream. This wasn't the first time someone had done this. It's becoming a daily thing for these guys to pop in whenever they want while I'm asleep. 

"My people......they need your help and-" 

I yawn, "Sorry, whoever you are. I'm not interested." 

"But, your the hero of the 26th generation." 

"I am." 

"You suppose to be a hero." 

"And? Do you think I will gladly accept? No. Ask someone else whose more hero material." 

"Hero of the 26th-" 

"Well, you look at the time. I better wake up. Buh-bye."

I woke up immediately before my phone went off. The morning sunlight hasn't reach the sky yet. I stand upright from my bed. I move my blanket on the side. My feet touch my floor. I stand up and stretch my arm up in the air. 

"Every darn time, they have to messed up my sleep. Is there anybody they can ask? jeez...."

I left my room and went to the bathroom. I can shuffling from downstairs. I'm assuming my mother is in the kitchen making breakfast. My father is in the bedroom sleeping. I can hear is loud elephant snore from here.

It's time to prepare myself for school. I do the usual morning routine like very teenager has to go through. Groan and say I don't want to go to school. 

I dress however I want. You can imagine in your head what I wear. I'm not going to through telling you what I wear. You have a brain. use it. 

I walk downstairs hearing the pots and pan from my mother saying, "Did he not clean these? That man." 

Then, my mother turn to me and said, "oh morning my sweet sunshine." 

"Hi mom." 

"Where's enthusiastic? 

"Lost it six years ago." 

"very funny, dear." 

My mother is the optimistic in the house. I believe it's due her time when she was a hero. In her time, she was a go getter hero who always show a smile. There were never fear. She has pictures and newspaper in her albums that shows her confidence. During her hero time, She hide her identity from the people. Till this day, no one knows it's my mother besides me and my dad. 

"What do you want for breakfast, my favorite child?" She said. 

Main character of the 26th generation: I don't want to  be a main characterDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora