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(Harry's POV)

I heard a noise downstairs, I looked over to the clock. Shit, it's 3:05 am. I carefully got out of bed and went downstairs, I looked at the front door and there was a dark figure at the door. I slowly went to the kitchen and got a knife, as I walked to the door the figure looked threw the window. When I got to the door, i took a deep breath and unlocked the door, my head started filling with horrific thoughts.

I opened the door, I saw who was there and I felt my heart drop through my stomach. It was my uncle Jared and his new girl? She was short and chubby but it was cute. She had freckles like Elise, her glasses were to big for her. "Hi Harry." Jared smirked and walked past me and I helped the girl inside. Jared walked into the living room and pulled out the bed carefully, so no one would wake up. "Linda." Jared called for the girl, her name was Linda..

Linda and Jared went to sleep and I went back upstairs to find Elise confused and scared. She was shaking and ran to me crying. "Elise? What's wrong." "I had a nightmare of my brother again" i awed in sadness. "Let's go back to bed" I suggested. Elise nodded on my chest and I carried her back into the bed and we fell asleep together.
I wondered why Jared was here, it's been 7 years since he's been around. Now that I'm finally 23, he shows up. It pissed me of badly.
I closed my eyes trying to shut off the thoughts and go to sleep with my beautiful girl. I still don't know why she didn't put up a fight about being here, why didn't she try and run away, why didn't she fight us and disobey us?

I suddenly knew the answer. Her brother abused her, so she was scared to go through that again. I finally understand why she's so good but I need to show her she won't be hurt again. I've noticed she can be a bit flinchy around me and Dad. I'm disappointed she had to go threw that. I slowly got more tired and fell asleep letting my thoughts be saved for later.

(Charles POV)

I woke up to the sound of people talking downstairs, and the smell of breakfast. I got up and got dressed for work. As I went downstairs I was shocked, my brother was here with his girl.

"Jared? Linda?" Everyone looked my way. "Charles.." Jared had a stern look on his face. One I didn't miss at all, he had a new scar on his face. It was large, and it dragged from his eyebrow down to his cheek. I was shocked, I walked down and shook his firm hand. We were 10 years apart, yet we still used to get along. But recently I got upset with some actions he had taken. And I knew he was here to share what he'd done, he would try to make Harry and Elise change their ways and become them. I wasn't going to let it happen though.

I had flashbacks going through my head, and they weren't pretty.

(Harry's POV)

Dad and Jared shook hands and gave stern looks. Dad told me he was here to make us get into cannablism but I knew Dad wouldn't let us go into that pit of darkness. Not again. Not again. Not. Again. It was stopped when my grandfather died because my dad never believed in the traditions he always kept the regret to himself.
And I'm glad he was the one to snap, but we still have the baby girl tradition, it breaks my heart to think of it.

I lost my baby girl because of a rule. I lost my wife because of that heartbroken thought. She was a fighter, and I shame myself for letting her die. I could've been more responsible instead of being so selfish. To just leave the room in my selfish thoughts with my dead baby. That I killed. With my bare dirty hands. I'll never be the same. Never be the same.

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