[-hi-] [years later author's note]

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so, i'm back, but just to address this book. meaning, I need to talk about it, quite badly, I think.

this book..., where do I even start??

perhaps, at the beginning.

I had recently discovered wattpad and was consuming every tratie book I could find, thus leading to inspiration, which led to the first chapter of this book. now, I don't remember posting the first chapters of this book, I can only remember the last two. though, something I do remember was that I loved this book. It was my pride and joy, I had loved it. I remember, during this book's prime time, posting a chapter, leaving for, eh, maybe ten minutes, and another thousand reads would appear. that was a pretty good feeling, not going to lie.

of course, I had no idea how to write. I didn't know anything, at all. I published the first chapter not knowing what to think of it. there wasn't a storyline. It was bland. soon, near the end, I realized that something needs to happen, thus explaining the relationship and death so close apart. I don't know why I wrote the death. It didn't need to happen. plus, it was written so poorly. to this day, i'm not sure what prompted me to write that, I guess I was a pretty edgy, sadistic kid. If you want to talk to about it, be my guest.

to be honest, this book is garbage. I hate it. I want to delete it, but I can't. I'm too emotionally attached to it, even if I don't care about tratie anymore [I still love katie though, she's the best.] how does this book have the reads it has today? to mock me? I can write better, I know that, but this book will always be there, with the thousands of reads it has to haunt me. which leads me to my next question, why do you read such trash? there are so many better books out there...

at this point, i'm straight up venting/ranting. so in order to not embarrass myself further, here are some other places where you can reach me because i'm dead on this account

babyjelli-wattpad {i'm kinda inactive on it}



wylanvanfuck-tumblr {likely to change}

I've probably missed a lot of points I wanted to make, so when I realize i'll either edit this or make a part two.

-until next time, cookie monsters 

also look at this dog 

also look at this dog 

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