Chapter 7

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**** 2 days later ****

Jesse's POV

It was just a typical day at Bondi. Hot weather, rescues, first aids and a load of girls who threw themselves at you. Don't get me wrong, the attention is great, but none of the girls really attract me all that much. "Black rhino to Central. Come in central." I heard Chappo buzz through the walkie talkie. "Central to Black Rhino. What's up Chap?" I replied. "Bacon's bringing a girl up she's got a major fin chop on the inside of her right leg. She's gonna need patched up." Chappo explained. "Copy that Chap!" I replied, getting up from my seat leaving Kerrbox to watch the water. "Jess come gimme a hand getting her up the stairs!" I heard Bacon shout. I opened the tower door to be greeted by Bacon stood at the bottom of the stairs with a petite black haired girl on his arm. I went down the stairs and as a team we gave the girl a Queen's chair carry up the stairs. We got her in the tower and onto the medic bed where we deal with all first aid injuries. I grabbed a bottle of saline solution and some gauze to patch her leg up. "So, what's your name?" I asked the girl to distract her from her leg injury. "Jenni." She replied, her accent telling me she wasn't from around here. "Where are you from?" I asked. "Erm, Newcastle in England." She explained. That explained her odd sounding accent. "Hey Box. Can you call an ambo? This fin chop is gonna need stitches!" I shouted to Kerrbox. I heard Jenni groan. "Okay, I need to rinse it just to stop infection. Why don't you tell me how you did it?" I asked, noticing she'd covered her face with her arm. She gave a little cough to clear her throat, "I was swimming in the sea with my friend, we were having a little petty competition and the next thing I know there's a puddle of red water surrounding me. I looked down and saw the gash in my leg and the surfboard beside me." I nodded as I dampened a cotton pad with solution, "alright, this might sting a little bit." She nodded and braced her hands on the edge of the edge of the bed. "There, all clean and covered! Just need to wait for the ambo." I explained, smirking at her admiring my handiwork. Next thing I knew there was a frantic knock on the door. I opened it to be welcomed to a beautiful, petite blonde who looked panicked. "Can I help you?" I asked. "I've been told my friend is here? Jenni? Petite, black hair, pretty blue eyes?" She asked, at the word eyes, I looked at hers. They were a beautiful emerald green. "Soph?" I heard Jenni call. I pushed the door open and allowed her to walk under my arm.

Sophie's POV

I walked out of the water towards where Jenni and I had left our bags. The bags were there but no sign of Jenni. I gathered our things up and walked towards a lifeguard to enquire about Jenni's whereabouts. I was told she'd been taken to the lifeguard tower. I sprinted to the tower as quickly as I could in the sand. I frantically knocked on the door to be greeted by a gorgeous lifeguard with a chest and sleeve tattoo. "Can I help you?" He asked. "I've been told my friend is here? Jenni? Petite, black hair, pretty blue eyes?" I asked, catching him look into my eyes. A blush formed on my cheeks. "Soph?" I heard Jenni call. He pushed the door open and allowed me to walk under his arm. "Oh Jenni!" I gasped as I walked through the door and saw Jenni's leg wrapped in a gauze. "It's about to get worse for you I'm afraid!" The lifeguard said. I glanced at him questioningly. "Well, she needs stitches. We've called an ambo and they'll take her to the hospital." I shook my head, burying my head in my hand. A giggle escaped my mouth. "You never do things by halves, do you?!" I asked Jenni, a giggle escaping her mouth. The lifeguard smirked. "I'm Sophie by the way!" I introduced myself sticking my hand out to shake his. "I'm Jesse" he replied, taking my hand and pressing a gentle kiss to it. I heard Jenni gasp from behind me. I looked at Jesse, our eyes locking. He has such beautiful blue eyes. They were the kind of eyes you could get lost in. We were soon pulled apart by a knock on the door. It was the ambulance crew. I quickly took a piece of paper out of my notebook in my bag, I kept it in there incase a lyric or idea for a song came to me while I was out. I scribbled my name and number on the piece of paper and stuffed it in the pocket of the lifeguard jacket Jenni took off and passed it to Jesse. I then left the lifeguard tower and climbed into the back of the ambulance.

Thank you SOOOOO much to everyone who has been reading! Please like, vote, keep reading! Thanks! Oh and follow me pleeeeeaaaassssseeeee! :D

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