14. The fight

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I can't believe what has just happened. I doubt Steve will give himself up. But maybe I should ask him. I take a breath and walk to Steve

"Steve I need to talk to you. Can you meet me at the training room at 5?"

"Ofcourse is everything okay?"

I just give him a slightly nod. And walk out of the room. If I am in huge danger then I am not going down with out a fight. I will fight till the very end. I can't believe this is happening. Hydra is coming again after me. I just need to survive this. I arrive to the training room and sit down. I can't  believe this. Why is this happening? Why the hell is this happening?! UGH! I am losing my mind!! I get up and kick the punching bag. Hard. It snaps and half of it fly's across the room. The other half just tangles there, the sand coming out. I huff and fall on my knees


I jump up and notice Steve walking in

"Yeah, I m here" 

I hear him walk and soon he is infront of me. 

"I have something really important to tell you"

"I am listening "

"I got a call from someone. From Hydra. He said that he wants you to give yourself up or he will hurt me" 

"What?!" He looks...me in horror

He takes my hand and start dragging me. He takes me to the elevator and he presses the button. Once I notice where we are going I start panicking.

"No no no no no. Dad will panic and over react and he will lock me in this tower and wont let me out! We can't tell him, we have to handle this by ourselves" I beg Steve

I don't need dad going all protective on my ass. I won't be able to go anywhere! ANYWHERE!!! And dad may even lock me up in my room! And I would go insane

The doors open


Dad turns around 

"What's wrong?" 

"Steve" I shake my head and beg him

Pety looks at me worried. I walk to him and hug him tight. 

"Hey you okay?" He whispers in my ear


"Yes, honestly"

"No, I am scared"

"Tony I need to talk to you privately" 


They walk away. I don't move. I burry my face on his chest and just stay there.

"I am so so so sorry" 

"About what?" 

"If I ever die, I am so sorry" I start crying

"Whoa whoa whoa! Where is this coming from?" 

"I...i..." I just cry not being able to say anything

"Come on" He picks me up bridal style and starts walking. 

He brings me to the rooftop. He sits us down on the ground, me on his lap. 

"Deep breaths"

Once I had calmed down enough I tell him everything. I tell him about the dream, I tell him how often my dreams come true, I tell him about the call I got from Hydra, about what they told me. About Steve telling dad at the moment. And the fact that I am really terrified. The fact that I am scared of even sleeping. He hushed me and held me. He just held me and let me to be in my mind. He comforted me. 

At some point I fell asleep clutching his shirt. 

****Spidey's POV****

I look at her as her breathing gets slower. She is finally sleeping. I wish I could just take all the bad away from the word and see her smiling all the time, but I can't. Because the world is cruel. We need to fight. I will fight for her and help her being happy. And see her smiling

The rooftop door opens. 

"Shh, she is sleeping" I say

I know it's Steve and her dad. They walk to us. Her dad looks at her face

"Did she cry?" He asks really worried

I nod "She did. She was terrified" 

Mr. Stark sights. I have never seen him like this. He picks her up and walks away. Probably taking her to her bed. It honestly scared the shit out of me when I saw her like that and got me really worried. I need to protect her no matter what. She is everything to me and if I lose her I don't know what I would do. I sight as I get up. 

Me and Steve walk out and inside. 

"You really care for her young man. I can see it" 

I look at Steve "I really do. I can't imagine my life without her" 

Steve smiles "I know how you feel son. Go to her" 

I nod and walk off to her room. 

I sit next her bed and wait for her to wake up. 

*****Faith's POV*****

I open my eyes and look around. I'm in my room. What...Oh... I look and see Pete sleeping, holding my hand. He is the sweetest guy ever. I smile. I quietly get out of the bed and put him in bed. I walk out and go to the kitchen. I need some food. I take out some noodles and make some. I just happened to get a noodle craving. 

OOoookay, now where the hell are the damn chopsticks?! I start rummaging the cupboards and soon enough I find em . I happily start eating my noodles.  Om nom nom. I am now happy. My amazing foooooood. I start eating and just as I start eating Peter comes into the kitchen.

"Peter, I thought you were sleeping" I look at him surprised

"no I thought you are sleeping. How ya feeling?" 

"Fine" I smile 

He sits next to me and takes my hand. 

"You can talk to me you know that" 

"I know, like I said I am fine" I continue eating 

I can feel his eyes on me. I just stare at my food while I eat. 

"I'm going to take a shower" 

I nod. He walks off. I push the bowl away and get up. I walk to the weapon room and take out my outfit. I put it on and take my weapons. I am done being scared. I am going to kick Hydras ass alone. Because at the moment...I am just done with life and I am pretty sure I could rip anyone to shreds if I wanted to. I silence Jarvis and walk out of the house. 

It is time to fight. 



Sorry for taking so long for updating. I have been having trouble with myself and then I have school. And my friend needs me and bunch of other shit. 

So I don't know if this is one of my best chapters but it will have to do.

Thinking of maybe doing a few BTS books.

*sights* i haven't been my cheery self a while so just a heads up. I can't say when the next chapter is going to get up.

And i may or may not make a book bout arrow ☝️ not sure yet.

So yeah...have a nice day/afternoon/night.

Laura is out! 🏃

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2020 ⏰

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