Hubby got Hot

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I let out a evil laugh as I won again st UNO.
"Fp! Your kid is cheating,"One eye yelled.
"No I'm not! He just sucks!" Daddy shook his head at us, trying to contain his smile.
"Jones," someone yelled.
"Which one," I yelled back and they turned to me. I dropped my cards at the sight of Sweet Pea. His eyes held a perminit look of anger and darkness. He wore a serpent jacket and had the tattoo on his neck. I stood up and walked over to him, almost like I was in a trance. He towered over me, even tho I used to be the taller one. My hand ran up his stomach and chest, my fingers wrapping around my ring that was on a chain with a pair of dog tags.
"Hey princess," he said and I stood on my tip toes and kissed him. His muscular arms wrapped around me, pulling me closer. Our hands were all over each other.
"Take that some where else," a person yelled and we pulled away. Both of us were breathing heavy as we took in each other's facial features.
"You got tall," I said as I ran my thumb across his cheek.
"Still beautiful," he said.
"Sweet Pea went soft," someone laughed.
"Shut the fuck up,you dumb fuck," Sweet Pea yelled as he held me close.

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