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Hey! Finally updated i know it's been so long. Sorry

Adnan's pov:

Well that was something, I just sat there still shocked, but I still needed to talk to her so this time I decided to call her on her phone

It was a the third ring she picked up

"Listen i need to talk to you its important can we meet" i said quickly

"Okay, were do you want me to see you" she asked

I told her where to meet me, we were meeting an hour from now I hope she doesn't kill for what i did.

I arrived at the restaurant, waiting for her, i ordered a glass of water, as she walked in through the door, i suddenly don't regret choosing her as my wife.

She waved at me as she approached me. She sat down, I asked if she was going to order anything but she said no.

"The reason i asked to meet is because baba cornered me and asked me who i was going to marry and i said you" I said explaining further.

When I stopped talking I waited, waiting to see her reaction but what she saod next shocked me.

"Thank God. i feel so much better"

"What? " i asked confused

She also explained what happened between her and her dad.

"So that means we're getting married after all" I asked


Hanan's pov:

When Adnan called i was so embarrassed to pick it at first but I picked up the phone. So when he said he wanted to meet up it was the perfect opportunity to tell him the stupid thing i did.

But what to wear i didn't want to look to dressy but i didn't want to look too casual as well.

I decided to wear a blue atampa A-shaped gown with a black veil, i did a very light make up and told mama i was going out. The driver took me, i felt so nervous

As i walked in I looked around and spotted him. I waved and approached him, as sat down I couldn't think about anything except why he wanted us to meet.

After he told me what he did, telling his father he wanted to marry me, i let out a breath that i didn't know i was holding.

"Thank God" i said a smile making its way to my face

"What?" He asked clearly not expecting that to be my reaction

I explained to him all that happened also, and he smiled.

Now i was completely relaxed up until he brought up the topic I have been dreading.

"So about when i face timed you" he spoke and i groaned

Chuckling he spoke " i won't lie you looked hot to me" and oh my god im pretty sure I turned crimson

"Please stop" i begged

"I mean it, and I don't regret choosing you" he said and i glared at him

I was about to say something when his phone ring and he excused himself. As i looked at him, i realised how handsome he was.

He had dark brown eyes, with envious long eyes lashes, and the most beautiful eye brows. He wore a blue kaftan and from the way it hugged him it was so obvious that he was well built.

He got off the phone and looked at me, which made me self conscious

"I'm so sorry but i have to go .something came up" he said

"Sure" i said and he escorted me to my car before he left he did something out of the blue. He kissed me on the cheeks and walked away

As sat down audu looked back and spoke to me.

"Haba qaramin hajiya ke ma kina yi kaman film har kumatun ki ya yi ja" he said

"Danallah shut up" i said embarrassed

I went home happy af. Mama was cooking but because of how happy I sent her out of the kitchen and continued the cooking.

I changed into one into sweats and a minnie shirt.

During dinner mama and baba were discussing about my marriage to Adnan.

"Tomorrow they will be coming for a formal introduction" said baba

once dinner was over i quickly went to my room and called khadija to tell her the news.

"Bitch you'll never guess what happened" i said once she picked

"What?" She asked getting excited

"I'm getting married" i said and it suddenly registered to me I'm getting married, suddenly i felt a shiver run through my spine

"Oh my days" she squeals then i hear her sniffing

"Are you crying" I asked bemused

"What?. Why will i be crying when my best friend just told me she's getting married. I was so worried for you when you said you were never going to fall in love again"

Which caused me to stop smiling. "I never said i was in love I'm just comfortable with adnan" i defended

"Oh i just thought since you......." and I caught her off

"Thought what, you know i can't do it. I can't . It's only brings pain" i said trying to control my voice

"I'm sorry" khadija said trying to apologise

"Forget it. I'm tired I'll talk to you later" i said and ended the call.

I opened my side drawer and brought our my drugs, i hadn't been taking them for a while but today i need it. I popped it into my mouth and swallowed it and went to sleep.


Hey guys! How much do you like those chapter. Please i really need you to VOTE and if you spot any errors tell me. Love you enjoy.

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