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It has been four years since Leo finished high school, everything was perfect except for the missing equation in his life, his friend! He remembers the fun stuff they did together and the fun they had as a group of random people, with common interest. Now that he's about to finish university things began to pick up paste, either his life was in a little jam, he never one day stop smiling at the world.

He never thought that it will happen to him but life for him seems to have lots of adventures, He always holds back his emotions, bluff at times, fake smile to everyone or pretend that everything is alright. He didn't care if people my notice or not but he keep moving on. Sometimes he wonders if this life was set out to be his and at other times he wish, why don't it all just end.

Nevertheless people may see me as the jolly young boy with a bright future and someone who is will to show the world what and who he is. That's true! He showed himself to the world but it's just the nagging feeling he gets when he's alone and has no one to talk or even carry on a proper conversation.

He always thought that the word friends meant something to others but in life it doesn't mean, not one thing. We grow up, we love, we gain intelligence and we lose and win. In the end it always boils down to this one question, who are your true friends, and who are your enemies?

Most of us rather face the music and keep moving on because we were born alone and will die alone. Not one day he stop to think about where he could be in life nor did he stop and wait for an explanation from them. When he told them my Deepest and Darkest secrete it all ended with the big bang.

He walked as fast as he could because, He feared that little word called rejection and he didn't want to see the disappointment on their faces nor did he want to show them how weak he was. However when he came out to them their faces alone give me the answers he was not hoping for. His family on the other hand just thinks it's a phase that in going through and in time he will get over it.

Everyday his dad will just through it in his face, and his sister will send stuff about the bible. What they don't see is that they are pushing him away, even further away from then. He wished at times, that he could go back and rewind the time clock to make everything seems perfect. Not one day did he sit and reflect on his life back then to now and to him it seems the same, but now it has more burden to it because of coming out to my friends and family.

As times go by for young Leo, he will tell his story from beginning to end. He will gain and lose but what he gain the most was understanding and freedom to which he had to a limit but now he stood up to those he thought that he lost and he wins them back.

But at home the situation was coming to come and hope one day that his family will accept him. But if it wasn't for his friends he would have been a wimp and a lonely person who is bottling up his emotions.

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