Chapter 41 "Movies"

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Chapter 41 Jessa's POV..

I finish curling my hair and walk out of the bathroom. Hunter kisses my lips. Are you ready for this? He asks taking my hand into his. No, but I'll never be ready. I say. Today is the day I testify against my father and I'm really nervous. You got this, beautiful. Hunter says. Thank you for everything, baby. I say. You're welcome, beautiful. I'll do anything for you. He says. He puts his jacket on me and I smile. We walk downstairs and give Haislen, Jackie, and Xavier a hug goodbye. Lynette and Leo pull into the driveway and I let them in. Good luck! They say. Thank you. I say. We get in the car and Hunter starts driving. A scared feeling fills my stomach. Hunter holds my hand. It's ok, you got this, beautiful. He says. I smile faintly. Thanks, baby. I say. We pull up into the courthouse and we get out. Hunter must see that I'm nervous cause he grabs my hand and kisses my forehead. You got this, don't be nervous, beautiful. He says giving my hand a small squeeze. We walk in and officer Langston greets us at the door. Thank you for coming. He says. I nod and he leads us to our spot. Hunter and I sit down and take a deep breath. Hunter grabs my hand and I smile. You got this, baby. He says kissing my forehead. The judge comes in and a few cops bring my father in. He sits down across from us and he looks at me and smiles. Tears fill my eyes as all the horrible memories come back. Hunter wipes my tears. It's ok, he can't hurt you. He says. 

Hunter's POV..

This trial will resume in 6 months, but until further notice, Jessa Hayes's father will not be in jail. The judge says. Tears fill my eyes as Jessa has tears streaming down her face. I wrap my arms around her and she cries into my chest. I'm sorry, beautiful. I say tears rolling down my cheeks. Can we leave before he comes near us, please? She asks. I kiss her forehead. Yeah, of course. Lets go. I say grabbing her hand. We walk out to the parking lot and we get to the car. I wrap my arms around Jessa and she cries into my chest. Tears roll down my cheeks as I kiss the top of her head. Hunt, I was telling the truth! She cries. I know, beautiful. I'm sorry they're letting him go. I say. I kiss her forehead and she gets in the car. I get in and start driving. I get out my phone and send a text to my dad. Thanks for watching the kids. It didn't go well, they're letting him out. The text read. He texts back right away. I'm so sorry, do you need us to keep the kids tonight? He texts. Yeah. Thank you. I send. I put my phone in my pocket and grab Jessa's hand. I'm so sorry, beautiful. I say. Don't be sorry, it's not your fault. Thank you for coming with. She says. You're so welcome, baby. I say. We pull up into the drive way and get out. We go inside and Jessa runs upstairs and I follow her. She goes into the bedroom, sits on the bed, and cries into her hands. Tears stream down my face as I sit next to her and wrap my arms around her. It's ok, beautiful. I say wiping her tears. Do you just want to relax for the rest of the night? Watch some movies? I say kissing her forehead. She nods and wipes her eyes. Ok, beautiful. You change, and I'll go make some popcorn. I say. I kiss her lips. Ok. She says. I walk downstairs and throw a pack of popcorn in the microwave. Jessa comes down in sweats and I sit down on the couch with the bowl of popcorn. She sits next to me and lays her head on my chest. I run my fingers through her hair and kiss her forehead. What do you want to watch? I ask. Anything, I don't care as long as I'm with you. She says. I smile and turn on the tv. I turn on 'The Notebook' and pull a blanket on top of Jessa. I love you, so much more than you'll ever know, beautiful. I say. She kisses my lips. I love you, so much more than you'll ever know. She says laying her head back on my chest.

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